
Two milestones this week.

Firstly the blog I started in mid 2005, originally named Irish Corruption and later renamed Public Inquiry, is a finalist in the Best Political Blog category at the Irish Blog awards. I blogged on there consistently for the first year or so before handing the reins over to my uncle Anthony. He has over the past 2 years stepped up his blogging and deserves full credit for getting on the shortlist. To say I am immensely proud of him is an understatement. He certainly deserves credit for the work he puts in.

Secondly, my own blog passed the 1.5 million visitor mark yesterday, a significant milestone for any blog. I obviously thank all of my readers over the years, those who drifted in and indeed drifted out, and those who for some reason have kept coming back over the years. Understandably I did not make the short list for the blog awards, probably mainly due to my consistent lack of writing over the past year. The lazy way out is always to post photos and videos!

But here is to the next 1.5 million!

Update: A big thank you to Steve Clemons for the shout out. If you are not subscribing to his excellent blog already then head on over there. It is one of the best.






3 responses to “Milestones”

  1. Colin Parte avatar

    Congrats on both achievements! Certainly puts my 23,405 into perspective…
    I’ve enjoyed many of your links too. Keep at it!

  2. ryan avatar

    “The lazy way out is always to post photos”

    Works for me! Well done on the million and a half

  3. Gavin avatar

    Well no offence to photo bloggers! But if the purpose of the blog isn’t photos I guess I shouldnt post them without some more comment…