Ansbacher Report – complete

I have uploaded the entire Ansbacher Report. I will be adding the full set of links shortly. (Some PDFs are not working, I will replace those)







9 responses to “Ansbacher Report – complete”

  1. […] Gavin has put the whole lot of the Ansbacher report online. […]

  2. […] Sheridan has uploaded the full text of the Ansbacher report HERE.  If you want a clear insight into the poison that affected Irish public life, it’s is a […]

  3. Stan avatar

    Thank you for uploading these, Gavin.

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    No worries!

  5. […] in September 1999. Of course the names were released… three years later. I recently put the entire Ansbacher report back online, after seven years of it being […]

  6. […] in September 1999. Of course the names were released… three years later. I recently put the entire Ansbacher report back online, after seven years of it being unavailable. I also posted the list of all account […]

  7. Richard Budd avatar
    Richard Budd

    Great blog. How can I download all the appendices to the Ansbacher report without having to click each link individually?

    Unlike most such reports, and the same is true for quite a lot of the PDFs in the Flood/Mahon transcripts, the PDF has been made from an image, meaning you can't search electronically through the documents. Is there a way it can be done? Thanks, Richard

  8. […] here? You may consider subscribing to our RSS feed or for updates via email.I had previously uploaded the entire Ansbacher report to the internet earlier this year. However it was not OCRd, and was […]

  9. C. Flower avatar

    Taking a walk through the earlier history of Anglo Irish, who acquired the Ansbacher Bank at one stage.

    Thanks for this!

    And its a reminder that names can be released!