A report on the BBC is saying that information from Iran suggest that wanted terrorist Osama bin Laden has been captured – more as I get it.
Just did a check – as yet none of the major news channels have picked it up – I was watching the Daily Politics on BBC, the presenter said that some news had reached them – as yet unconfirmed by the BBC – but reported on Iranian radio – that Osama bin Laden has been captured by Pakistani authorities. None of this is confirmed. But I will post any links as I get more information. Pakistan is denying reports that Osama bin Laden has been captured, according to the BBC. The BBC have just posted this report, Quote:
The official in Pakistan’s counter-terrorism centre described Wednesday’s report on Bin Laden as “frivolous”.
The claim of Bin Laden’s capture was made by a Pakistani politician, Murtaza Pooya, in an interview with Iranian radio. He said the al-Qaeda leader was being held by members of the Pakistan and US intelligence services
Chris Gulker has picked up the story here, he poses the question: So if Osama is captured, does Bush still go into Iraq…? Hmm. I would think so Chris. Seems that only an asteroid hitting the planet would stop the invasion of Iraq now.
And if Osama were captured before an invasion, would certain people be interested in keeping it secret until after an invasion had started? LOL. I sound like a conspiracy theorist – but I think it is within the realms of possibility.
2 responses to “Osama bin Laden captured?”
Dear Gavin,
Osama Bin Laden is said to be captured, this news can be found on http://www.NOS.nl and http://www.NU.nl…another slant is to be found on http://www.aljazeera.com.
But there’s is nothing on anyone else’s site about this..CNN…BBC? Now I find this same message/situation here……I’m trying to find out what’s it all about! COnspiracy? I think not!
You can find the article on :
(search for BIN LADEN)
Kindest regards,
I was just checking to see Osama Bin Laden was indeed captured. I was at the swap meet earlier this morning when some men had confirmed his capture and said they had heard of this on a Turkish news stations. Apprently, the newspaper also stated the Bush new of this but has not released the information due to upcoming November elections.