My first day at the NS was both interesting and invigorating. Roger was not around today but I will catch up with him tomorrow. Lots of stories for me to write on – if only I had more time.

As I have to contend with a fairly long commute time in and out of London, my blog may suffer as a result. I hope my readers will understand. My best efforts will be put into my weblog, as I always have done – I will build it day by day.

I will try to post to blog throughout the day from now on, and perhaps more in the evening.

Other than that, keep reading!






4 responses to “NS”

  1. Mishka avatar

    Mishka rules !

  2. Mishka avatar

    Mishka rules !

  3. Jill avatar

    And why does Mishka rule?

  4. Giorgio avatar

    I guess he rules for the same reason as Boris 😉