WTC Photos

Glenn Reynolds decided to post one of the more famous photos from September 11 2001, on the anniversary of that day. Some while back I posted a not-so-famous photo that speaks to me more of the events of that day.

Glenn received quite a bit of stick, not dissimilar to the criticisms I received when I posted photos from the war in Iraq.

It is terribly clear photo and can have a profound affect. Click the link if you want to see it. Natalie Solient links to the same photo over on littlegreenfootballs, and backs Glenn Reynolds in his decision to show the photograph on his frontpage.

WTC Jumper






One response to “WTC Photos”

  1. […] This issue was raised in the past. Glenn Reynolds posted a photo and later removed it. I posted about Glenn’s posting back in 2003, where I linked to a different photograph of a jumper, perhaps less ‘artistic’ in nature. […]