London Bloggers' Gathering Friday Evening

Dan and I have decided on a time and place –

When: Friday at 18:30.

Where: Red Lion, Westminster, 48 Parliament St.

Who: Whoever wants to show up.

Why: You have to ask?






One response to “London Bloggers' Gathering Friday Evening”

  1. […] 2,620 posts (not all mine), 12,828 comments, in 40 categories. Probably upwards of 150,000 blocked or deleted spam comments. 1,337 days since I started this little corner of the net. Somehow ranked 10,807th out of 31 million blogs (474 links from 141 sites) Moved hosts 4 times. 3 types of blog software. 1,337 days of almost continuous online presence. Spikes in traffic, falls in traffic. Instalanched. Winered. Monthly’d. Boing’d. Slashdotted. Spawned offspring, some of whom I think still blog. Met bloggers, London, Toronto, Washington, Boston. 1.36 million page views, 925,000 unique visits. The Irish blogosphere going from the 15 or 20 when I started to the enormous number now. Changes in look and feel. […]