Kim finally appears in Court and gets a tether

The Eminem Blog

Detroit Free Press

After two days of playing hooky – and two arrest warrants – Eminem’s ex-wife was ordered to wear an electronic tether when she finally appeared Thursday in Macomb County (Mich.) Circuit Court to face charges she ignored a court date and she had drugs during a June traffic stop.

Kim Mathers’ attorney pleaded with Judge Edward Servitto to forgive her for failing to appear Tuesday, saying she was ill. The judge had little interest in her explanation and, instead, ordered that she be placed on the tether.

Mathers, 28, will be allowed to go to only court and counseling, the judge ordered. The court will receive a report about her movements.

Mathers appeared with her attorney, Michael Smith of Sterling Heights.

“Mr. Smith has convinced me to not put you in jail,” Servitto told Mathers.

“I understand,” she replied, her only comments during the five-minute hearing.

She was supposed to be arraigned Monday, but when she did not show up, the court gave her until noon Tuesday. When she again did not come to court, the judge issued a bench warrant charging her with failure to appear.

On Thursday, Servitto dismissed the bench warrant.

If convicted of possession of fewer than 25 grams of cocaine, Mathers could face a maximum 4-year prison term and a $25,000 fine.

Mathers is the ex-wife of Marshall Mathers, also known as superstar rapper Eminem.

Kim Mathers also faces misdemeanor charges in Warren of maintaining a drug house.

Police said they decided to issue a warrant this week, and were talking to Smith to arrange when Mathers could turn herself in.

Macomb County Assistant Prosecutor Dave Portuesi told the court that his office authorized that warrant and that Mathers will be arraigned on that charge by Friday.

But Warren officials said they are still working with her attorney to determine when she will turn herself in.

Maintaining a drug house carries a maximum 2-year sentence upon conviction.






6 responses to “Kim finally appears in Court and gets a tether”

  1. louise benson avatar
    louise benson

    kim try and get a life do what u want its your life think the best fuck the rest all u have to do is look after your daughters make sure u do you will never get this time back again with them your kids should be with you. think girl…

  2. encorelovemm avatar

    no comment. don’t need it. hope you (kim) to “kill illness” and to heal. like eminem, you have had no chance in your life. (eminem i love you). nobody deserves a life like that. (sorry for mistakes, i’m neither english nor american, but just me)

  3. Dineth avatar

    Haltet alle das Maul,wisst ihr wie sie sich fühlen muss?

  4. EminemIsFit avatar

    Everyone says that it’s not Kims fault and she’s never done anything wrong to Eminem, but if youl isten to the song “Hailies Song” you will hear the following….:
    “….Now look, I love my daughter more than life in itself,
    But I got a wife that’s determined to make my life livin hell
    But I handle it well, given the circumstances I’m dealt
    So many chances, man, it’s too bad, coulda had someone else
    But the years that I’ve wasted are nothing to the tears that I’ve tasted
    So here’s what im facin:
    3 felonies, 6 years of probation
    I’ve went to jail for this woman, I’ve been to bat for this woman
    I’ve taken bats to peoples backs, bent over backwards for this woman…..”

    So she quite obviously has done something; as Eminem has been to jail for her, although I’m not quite sure why.
    Any answers?

    P.S Eminem is so fit and I lovee him. XxXxXxX

  5. Shannon avatar

    Eminem you are a good dad dispiete what kim has done but if you love her still then maybe you should be working things out for your daughter’s

  6. julia avatar

    kim get your shit staight hun. your daughter needs you. i should know my mother is in prision for the same thing you did. please do the right thing.emiinem is a good person it seems he loves you!