Benzino claims Eminem made racist statements against Blacks

“Meanwhile, The Source’s Ray Benzino released a statement last night claiming he has damning evidence against rival Eminem that will seal his fate in Hip-Hop. Allegedly, Benzino has acquired an “original cassette recording of a Detroit basement tape which features a series of raps by Marshall Mathers that contain blatant racist and derogatory statements about Black women and Black people in general.”

The tape, said to be from around the 1995 era, will be a “nail in the coffin” for Eminem, says Benzino. Tabloid publicity stunt or not, details on the alleged tape will be revealed in the January issue of The Source magazine which hits newsstands in December.”

Daily Hip Hop News written by Carl Cherry

Benzino makes me laugh.Who will believe Mr Mathers is a racist?How could
a man who has grown up in the black hood of Detroit,whose best friends are blacks be called a racist? This sounds like a big joke to me.
Eminem has experienced racism from Blacks at school ( we all know he was bullied)and also in 8 Mile…When he was 16, several Blacks pointed a gun on him, he came back home with only his socks and his pants on, he owes his life to a white guy who took him back home in his car.
Those events could have made a big racist of him, but Marshall Mathers always wanted to be part of the landscape, he fully integrated black culture. He never tried to be a Black wannabe, people who call him a wigga are really wrong. Marshall is conscious to be a white man doing black music. He is conscious that rap music has been created by Blacks, but he also knows that his roots are hip hop, since he grew up with Blacks and has been influenced by rap music since his early years.

Whatever the content of this Eminem tape recorded in 1995, you can be sure that Benzino and his cheap ass magazine the Source will misinterpret his words intentionally.






45 responses to “Benzino claims Eminem made racist statements against Blacks”

  1. aesop avatar

    Just because he has black friends doent mean he can’t be a racist

  2. Jude avatar

    Just heard this news on the radio.
    I just hope it’s not true.
    Cause I’m beginning to admire him.

  3. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    It is not only that he has black friends, Marshall Mathers embraced black culture and he also expressed that he was in favor of a multicultural and multiracial society. Knowing that, who would dare calling him a racist?

  4. RUN~03 avatar

    I would really like to here eminem respond to this because this is something you really can’t settle in a battle rap.

  5. Craig avatar

    Eminem didn’t grow up in the “black hood”, he’s just been around blacks for a while. Don’t get it twisted, ’cause they’re two totally different social standings. Just because you have black friends doesn’t mean you grew up with them…

    Elvis copied Rock’n Roll from black artist, and ported it over to the mainstream (white) audience. It doesn’t mean he embraced black culture… While eminem is quick to acknowledge his musical hip hop forefathers,(as opposed to Elvis who never showed respect in that regard) it can be (and has abundantly been) debated whether or not his music is an accurate reflection of the culture…

    Remember, eminem has a mostly white fanbase; He relates more to caucasian youth, rather than hip hop’s core audience (which is mainly blacks and hispanics 27 and under). He’s not an icon in the eyes of hip hop purist, such as Tupac, Jay-Z or Nas.

    Obviously he was influenced by the art of rap to be able to do it so well. You can tell he spent a lot of time with Rakim and Kool G Rap albums in his younger days to have such dynamic lyricism.

    The racist comments might be factual (I pray to God that they aren’t). Remember how he was bullied in his younger days, and how hard it was for him to get a record deal ’cause of his race prior to meeting Dre? I could definitely see him unleashing some frustration toward blacks with these previous circumstances… I don’t think he’s a racist, but you don’t have to be a racist to make racist remarks…which is probably the case here…

  6. Isa avatar

    Craig,Eminem has lived on the “black side” of a street in Detroit, because his mom couldn’t afford the costs of the “white side” that was located on the other side. It is more than just “being around Blacks”.
    Eminem was one of the poorest kids living here, he stated it in his former interviews.
    You may disagree with me, but I insist on the fact Eminem wanted to be part of the landscape and totally integrate black culture.
    Whatever he may have said on this tape recorded in 1995, you can be sure than Benzino will misinterpret his words intentionally. I am deeply convinced Eminem is a non racist person who respects black people a lot.

  7. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    To quote Eminem in his own words about living on the black side:

    Spin: These were mostly African-American neighborhoods where you grew up?

    Eminem: Yeah, near 8 Mile Road in Detroit, which separates the suburbs from the city. Almost all the blacks are on one side, and almost all the whites are on the other, but all the families nearby are low-income. We lived on the black side. Most of the time it was relatively cool, but I would get beat up sometimes when I’d walk around the neighborhood and kids didn’t know me. One day I got jumped by, like, six dudes for no reason. I also got shot at, and ended up running out of my shoes, crying. I was 15 years old and I didn’t know how to handle that shit.

    You can find this interview given to Spin magazine on

  8. theshunt avatar

    It makes me laugh when i read some of the comments people have left. Fuck sake its only the source trying to get popular and make some money, that benzino its just pissed off coz he never made it and he is a shite MC. Em aint a racist, if he was 50 would whoop his ass!!! Benzino is a BITCH!!!

  9. Nickname avatar

    If this incidence doesn’t open the eyes of African Americans than I don’t what will. History repeats itself (Elvis). Eminem’s records should be trown off the shelves and barred from any and all record stores. The ignorance and racism he portrayed is inexcusable and highly offensive. And in no way should we as very forgiving, and loving people sit back and tolerate hate from eminem or anyone else.


  10. TC avatar

    I heard Tavis Smiley comment on this statement last week on the radio and found out more about it by doing a search on the internet.
    I am a strong believer that a person can make a statement that many may consider a racist statement, but that does not mean that the person is a racist. I think it is a persons history, intentions, and continous actions that may determine if a person is racist.
    I am black and most black people I know have from time to time made statements against another race or ethnic group that could be considered racist on face value. It could be after not getting a job that you felt you should have gotten, after an altercation or negative encounter such a traffic incident in which in anger you called a person a name that had something to do with their race or ethnicity.
    Name calling and statements that could be considered racist are prevalent in the entertainment and recording industry and have been used by most black comedians from Richard Pryor to Chris Rock as well as many of the popular hip hop artists.
    At some point in the not too distant future the particulars will be revealed. I will withold my final opinion until all of the discussion surrounding the particulars have been out for a while. Also what does Dre have to say about it.


  11. tom avatar

    I agree a little with you, but my man is right, Eminem is not as black as some like to say. He grew up in lots of different areas but mostly working class white areas. He never fit in with white people though because he was moving so much. This is fact. I don’t think he is racist though. In fact I think we could all learn from his views on race. The views he holds now, not when he was 16.

  12. Xtone avatar

    Eminem Just says he grew up on the blackside, to sound cool and ghetto, and whats with saying he dosent act like some gangster when he’s running around with a fucking unloaded gun, trying to act all hard holding at people, Gun crime is hardly a problem for white people at all, and he’s got some bullshit unloaded gun, tryna act all ”gangsta”. Wow so there are black people where he lived, i see plenty of black people all the time, where i live, but i dont come from no hood, he just says all that shit to sound cool. Fuck Eminem to racist fucker

  13. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    All those facts about Eminem have been verified. Eminem doesn’t say anything to sound cool. He has lived on the black side of Detroit, because his mom couldn’t afford the costs of the white side.
    Eminem never lied about his past.Anything you say in the show bizz can be verified easily. Another white MC has done it in the past (Vanilla Ice) and he has lost a lot of fans.

  14. dizee rascal avatar
    dizee rascal

    Nobody should diss eminem he actually diserves alot of respect. I believe he an’t rasist hes just had a harsh life and always had trouble and very deprived when he was a teenager. Other people from his school used 2 bully him and pick on him black or white, So he raps about shit that happens to him when hes frustrated and insecure. Thats wat gives him the energy and lyrics. He uses his lyrics like art and hes one of the best rappers or is the best so far.

  15. Shadii avatar


  16. Jason avatar

    I’ve heard some of the tape. His punk ass is a Racist
    He’s Done!
    The mother F*cka was never a part of Hip Hop as far as I’m concerned.

  17. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    If you believe he’s racist, then you’ve been manipulated by the Source. But worse, if you believe Eminem doesn’t belong to hip hop culture then, you’re dumb. Go study his life story. Eminem’s roots are hip hop.

  18. Smokey Mcpot avatar
    Smokey Mcpot

    Eminem is and will never be out of the genere he helped revitalze and the muthafuckin source will never be as sucessful as slim fuck them bible of hip-hop my ass

  19. Dan avatar

    Fuck Eminem. I’m with the Source 100% on this! He didn’t help revitalize anything. The Source has been, and will always be the premier hip hop magazine. XXL should be ashamed of themselves for backing this culture stealer.

    Long live Ray Benzino, Dave Mays, Kim Osorio and the rest of The Source family. This is real hip hop, not pop hop.

  20. Andy avatar

    eminem lyrics are amazing. the way he uses his words and creates metaphors from nothing. he deserves much respect and is making songs that no one else can live up to. you idiots are saying that eminem is not really hiphop. why is that? because he is white? now whos been racist u dumb f**ks. he saved the industry, he got dre back to the top and gave people like d12, 50 cent, g unit and obie trice a chance. who really gives a f**k? im sure u people have said or thought racist things over your lifetime. but u say eminem isnt hip hop cause hes white…if he is so wrong then why cant anyone match his rap? hes a genious and he knows how the world works in a realistic way. you people really need a life and open ya eyes. i dont reckon anyone would get offended by it except maybe benzino cause hes real shit and also idiots like u ppl posting stuff on here bout him. u dunno him now and didnt then so judge what u duno. get off the net and go get a girl or something u might find that yur state of mind changes and takes u away from fairy land.

  21. Jun avatar

    All these adamant Eminem fans really amaze the hell outta me. Doubt you listen to rap music as a whole to say something that mind blowing. No offense intended, but I can’t imagine how anyone with a vast knowledge of rap can say Eminem’s the best right now. If you mean most popular, then yes, I’ll agree with that…but not the best. I take it you never heard of Canibus, Immortal Technique, Nas, Royce da 5’9, Twista, Sly Boogie, Pharoah Monche, Outkast, Dilated Peoples, Xzibit, Tash, Defari, Busta Rhymes, Esham, Talib Kweli, Mos Def…I could go on and on with a list of rappers who match, and even exceed Eminem talent wise.

    Eminem’s not the best, he’s just recognized the most by the mainstream. Media hypes him up to be the best ’cause of all these awards he’s won, (some questionable IMO) and the fact that he is a white man. No disrespect to the more overt Eminem fans here, but IMO he’s not even close to the best rapper right now. I say that not because he’s white, (I’m actually a fan, and have all his albums) but because IMO, I’ve been exposed to better rappers.

    Why do the people who dislike Eminem here have to be referred as idiots, or dumb? It’s just an opinion; no need to get so hyped up.

  22. Steven J avatar
    Steven J

    I think his music sucks! He doesn’t belong in hip hop ’cause he just says things for shock value. What kinda real man would diss their own mother publicly? You never get on a track and put your own mother on blast. Tupac would slap him silly if he was still here…

    I can’t believe so many white kids are feeling this dork! I’m white, and I think he sucks…

  23. Ralph avatar

    This clown is pure white trash! He’s a covert racist prick sucking the life from true rap. I wish this clown would just shut the hell up with his bullshit about being raised in hip hop.

    I think you Em fans need to realise that your boy’s a fake. He wears do-rags now, and he’s tatted from head to toe, talks all this gangsta shit to people he’s hiding from (Ja Rule); when compared to ’99 and before when he just wearing Denim sweat-shirts, no tats on his arms, no do-rags on his head, only came at pop stars like BackStreet Boys, Christina A, Britney S, N Sync with any venom – He looked like the average white kid in America when he came out. Now he’s overhauled his image, and trying to be more street; trying to make people believe he’s got some “hood” in him now by looking the part, calling himself the “White Pac” and talking grimy on records, but then also has to roll around with the CIA to cover his ass.

    This man is a joke in more ways than one… If you read this latest XXL article on him, and saw him holding a pair of brass-knuckles, you had to laugh at how hard he’s trying to look tough! It’s like putting Gary Coleman on the cover of Tough Man…it doesn’t work.

  24. Mary avatar

    Eminem’s not a fake. And he isn’t full of bullshit either. If you knew anything about his life, you’d know that he HAS been raised in hip hop and he’s obviously not a “racist covert prick,” as you so eloquently put it. I don’t see how anyone could call Eminem racist. He’s basically best friends with Dre, he’s signed D12, 50 cent, and Obie Trice.. If he was racist, why would he surround himself by black people? I’m not white but I’m not offended by anything that he’s ever said or done. I heard his freestyle (that I think he did in ’91 or somewhere around there) and although i was offended at first, I wasn’t when I learned more about the situation. He was much, much younger back then… tell me, who doesn’t say stupid shit when they’re young? And besides, he had just broke up with a black girlfriend. I don’t think he’s racist- I think he was just so angry with his ex that he decided to insult them. It wasn’t the best decision, but again, who doesn’t make mistakes when they’re 16? And although I agree that Eminem isn’t the best rapper in history, he’s definitely one of the best. You can’t deny his talent. Call him racist– call him a “wigga” call him a wannabe– call him a fake– but you can’t call him a shitty rapper. When it comes to rap, Eminem is a genius.

  25. YOUR DADDY avatar


  26. CHUNLI avatar

    First of all Im not gonna dis eminem as a person but you have to admit the stuff I heard on the Tavis Smiley show (not read in the source) its true, was the straw that broke the cammels back.. First of all Eminem never appealed to me to say the least.. The only song that was worth anything was loose yourself.. But all that silly shi** he is talking about is wack.. IN MY OPINION I personally think he is a disgrace to rapp music all the real rappers before him talked about the struggle of being a minority in America ..He is not what rap is really about..there are so many MC’s out there who hold it down and dont get the credit. so what he lived on 8 mile.. How many of us havent lived the struggle? And he had the nerve to ask why he cant get 5 mics like Dre from outcast.. Please be for real.. I dont respect him not because he is white, but because his rap is non-sense like the say back in the day TALKIN LOUD asnd sayin NOTHING…That song the name of my band? eminem is making a mockery of rap music becaue he can.. The beastie boys I can relate to them better than eminem… Rapp is about the struggle a way for us to express ourselves, how many MC’s that have come be for Em get on wax and blast their mom? not being funny but that was a catchy sales pitch to suburbea white america who is most of eminems fan base whom are mostly troubled and they want to be hard.

  27. Realist avatar

    First things first, regardless of whether you believe he is real or fake, racist or NOT! or black/white, there is no way on this earth that anybody can truly believe that Eminem is not one of, if not the most imaginative, original, clever, daring and funniest emcees to have ever picked up a mic!
    (Fat boys aside with their beat about food . . . Jokes!)

    As to whether he is real or fake . . . How many rappers out there are 100% ‘real’, what is ‘real’? Part of the art form we call rap is made up of artists not just commenting on their social surroundings, but also exaggerating and using it to portray an image.

    I love and have always loved Biggie’s music, but if you look into how much of what he says/said about growing up with no money and shit, it just aint true, he grew up in a middle class background. That does not suddenly mean that he aint a shit hot rapper, does it?!

    It wasn’t slims skin colour that made everyone listen to him, it was his lyrical skill and the fact he was actually brave enough to be different. He was not scared to cuss himself instead of giving it the whole ego bit (like so many others) which gets boring.

    Cast your ears back to the first album and listen to the humour and lyrical skill. That’s all I need to say about that.

    Blatantly not racist, I’ve come across many racists, and for some strange reason they never seem to surround themselves with black people? Or even go out with them? Or even like them? That’s because they are racist! And Eminem is not!

    It’s coz he is so huge now that everyone forgets how good he is and the reason that he is doin beats like ‘my band’ (which is quite a funny beat) is because he aint got the same frustrations as when he was hungry for success, and he has grown up, just like we grow up and along the way your mind changes and opens and even realises some of the mistakes we have made!

    Bent-zino needs to spend more time on his rhymes and less on others business! TWAT!

    Anyhow, those with a big enough brain will realise the truth and those that don’t . . Well need I say more ..

  28. Prince's #1 fan avatar
    Prince’s #1 fan

    Eminem is average. He’s easily one of the most overrated rappers ever to get behind a mic. Yeah he can rhyme, but like 95% of the rap world, he doesn’t say shit worth a damn; mind you two or three of his tracks (Stan, Sing For The Moment, and Lose Yourself).

    Truth be told: you can find a handful of “meaningful” tracks on most rappers albums, but most of their poetically introverted material plays second fiddle to some damn club song. Just listen to Twista or Luda’s new albums for Ex. Snoop has made some pretty soulful tracks on his latest albums, but are these the songs you see on TV? Hell no they aren’t!

    You people who say how “great” or “lyrical” Eminem is should go listen to some truly lyrically embedded rappers: Nas, Common, Outkast, KRS, Kanye, Mos, Talib, Tupac. <— That’s being lyrical with your shit – leaps and bounds ahead of anything Em has dropped.

    Eminem is the equivalent of Ludacris for the most part. Complex rhyming complemented by witty punchlines with absolutely no message to the majority of their tracks pretty much sums them up. I actually think Luda is better than Em ’cause he’s funnier, and can rap quicker.

    As far as the racist shit: Eminem should’ve never repped Pac, ’cause now Eminem looks like a horse’s ass to me and millions of other people of color. Can’t imagine how you could say these things about blacks, (regardless of timeline) then praise one of the most prolific black militants ever! <—That proves that Em is fake! Ja Rule absolutely called it right on BIME’s title track. He’s only on Pac’s Nsac ’cause Pac is regarded as the greatest rapper ever by many others in this culture that Slim so desperately wants respect from, not ’cause he was feeling Pac’s music…

    Excellent post btw Chun Li! Eminem is a disgrace to the rap culture with that corny shit…

  29. Rick N. avatar
    Rick N.

    Look. Marshal is my Idol. I am his biggest of fans. I am a broke white boy who would love to get on the black mic. I also live in a trailer. But all that stuff aside. EM is not racist. If he was racist he would have been shot a long time ago for that NI$G#! comment he made on his dvd of the show. Now I dont have all off his music, cuz I’m job corps broke. But I have never hurd him say or drop the n-bomb in my life. And I have been listening to him sence I was 15. Not once has he seemed to be racist. But if you polatics think so why dont your rich a$$’s ask the docter/mister dre. That would be the man who knows him the best out of anybody that I know of. Anyway Get of him, cuz his lyrics is something kids live off of now. I am 18 and I live off his stuff. One day I hope to be the next white rapper. And I will try till my throte cant provide me the strength anymore. Then I will keep trien just like him, cuz he is a true soldier to rap. No matter what people like that other dip says. Em if you ever read this I love you dawg. And please read my letter when I send it.

  30. meg avatar

    I just want to say that there are alot of ppl who are racist but are only that way behind closed doors. Just b/c someone has black friends does NOT mean that they are not racist. The biggest group of overt racists I can remember was back in Slavery and post-slavery and that was only because the law would not convict them. Nowadays, racist ppl, find other covert means to be racist. And come on, if Eminem is really racist do you think he would say so blatantly out in the open, and kill his record sales?! Come on with that one! All I want to say about the issue is no one has the right to generalize an entire race/ethnicity over one or two experiences that were bad. I am a black woman and I am proud to be so. It is so hard for black women today because we have to deal with so many stereotypes and derogatory images starting when Europeans came to Africa and saw Black women. This is a reason many young black girls and women alike struggle with self-esteem, among other reasons. For Eminem to generalize about black women is wrong and he should have apologized for it and not have tried to explain it away by saying he was just young. Yeah ppl make a lot of mistakes when they are young, but everyone is also accountable for his mistakes. How can you say that Benzino would misinterpret those lyrics, they are written how they are written. He gave them to the public to interpret for themselves. Just b/c Eminem said those things when he was younger does not mean that he does not think that way today. Not even Dre may have known about that, if Eminem hid it good enough. Only Eminem and God knows for certain. We may never know. Eminem is def. NOT the best rapper. Eminem got mad publicity b/c he’s white. History does repeat itself, this stuff has been happening throughout history. Elvis is a good example. Blacks start something, but when white ppl do it, they get bigger ups than alot of blacks out there. That is the truth and you can trace is right back to Reconstruction if you want, with the minstrel shows and all of that. I don’t know how truthful Eminem has been about his past, but you wouldn’t be able to tell about his supposedly growing up in a black environment from his lyrics. Besides even if he did, he will NEVER know the true black experience “getting pulled over b/c you’re in the wrong neighborhood”, “growing up in a system that is designed to make you fail and to keep your race down”. Things like this do not only happen to blacks but other minority groups as well.

  31. James avatar

    Eminem is the best rapper and new artist to date. His lyrics are genius.
    What I see from a lot of people is jealousy, which makes me laugh and blogs like these keep me entertained.
    Just becuase he is white, he can’t be the best rapper..
    LMFAO…. you retards.
    Ahh and we now have the race card being played, he is so good and unstoppable that you jealous pricks have to try and knock him off the top with a pathetic over-used race card.
    Guess what, the shit is being so over used it hardly washes.
    fuck you haters, slim is the man.

  32. Jessica Urbanavage avatar

    who cares what the rapper says, it doesn’t matter anyways. other people would be able to say racist commments, but once a rapper does, or some famous star says it, it is a whole big controversy. the media is just trying to start things. why can’t we all just get along???

  33. Roody jhon Clous avatar
    Roody jhon Clous

    i think Em is the best lyricist ever lived on earth. let’s take a look back to the infinite album i have never heard an album that has so much rhym in it. i also think that eminem is not racist, everybody makes mistakes when i am mad say anything that comes out of my mouth. imagine that you were being bullied by a bunch of kids if i were him i could have done the shit too so that does not mean he is racist for that ok

  34. gottano avatar

    I just can’t believe that perhaps the greatest rapper even is raciest. There is literally no way that Eminem could even think of being raciest due to his background history and his love for the music.

  35. Sheryce avatar

    Again we see how one’s race can be a shield or a “that’s alright” pass. It is NOT ALRIGHT, NOT COOL, NOT JUSTIFIED that Eminem said racist remarks. Whether about his ex-girlfriend who happened to be black or about a community of black people– the word NIGGA, NIGGER whatever is EXTREMELY disrespectful and intolerable. And my problem with the whole situation is the Eminem has yet to official apologize for the comments. He has said he was young, angry and stupid but where in the hell is I’m SORRY if I offended anyone in the black community, my fans and/or black women. Anyone who tries to justify racist remarks, whether said in the past or present can’t possibly understand the deeper meaning of offensive words such as “Nigger”. As a black woman who has bought Eminem’s CD’s I was completely speechless and hurt by his remarks. If he is at all a fan of hip-hop and a true artist he should understand the legitmate offense black people, especially women have about these lyrics. You have never heard him call Kim a “WHITE so-and-so”, so why would he even acknowledge his ex-girlfriend’s race??? In our society we see color/race and that point can not be ignored. He saw this girl as BLACK– not a person– but a color and his background nor his contributions to the hip-hop culture can erase or justify these RACIST remarks.

  36. N/A avatar

    “Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long. . . . the white man is the devil. . . . the CRIPS and Bloods are soldiers I’m recruiting with no dispute; drive-by shooting on this white genetic mutant. . . . let’s go and kill some rednecks. . . . Menace Clan ain’t afraid. . . . I got the .380; the homies think I’m crazy because I shot a white baby; I said; I said; I said: kill whitey all night long. . . . a nigga dumping on your white ass; fuck this rap shit, nigga, I’m gonna blast. . . . I beat a white boy to the motherfucking ground”;
    “Kill Whitey”; Menace Clan, Da Hood, 1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of what was called Thorn EMI and now is called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.

    “We’re having thoughts of overthrowing the government. . . . the brothers and sisters threw their fists in the air. . . . it’s open season on crackers, you know; the morgue will be full of Caucasian John Doe’s. . . . I make the Riot shit look like a fairy tale. . . . oh my god, Allah, have mercy; I’m killing them devils because they’re not worthy to walk the earth with the original black man; they must be forgetting; it’s time for Armageddon, and I won’t rest until they’re all dead”;
    “Goin Bananas”; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.

    Stop Bitching

    what goes around comes around

  37. Mike avatar

    So whats that do for those of us white kids who also grow up with black people. Im from Los Angeles and i prefer nothing more then to hang with my black brothers. My best friend was murdered he was black i havent been right ever since i found his body. So wheres our respect? No we dont get any just cause all these muthafuckas call us “wiggers” and shit. Pisses me off, we should get all the respect in the world for not bein another black hatein kkk. So do i get any ounce of respect even tho im not a rapper? i dont think so. So everyday i gotta work my ass off for respect. Stealing, gun slinging, beatin people down. Lifes a bitch. But ima keep fuckin slingin, this is one bad attitude white boy you dont wanna come toe ta toe with.

  38. Malice avatar

    What the hell do white people know about rap any damn way? No offense, but most of you are completely clueless to the culture. It’s like me trying to speak on some death metal (or whatever that shit is called) all the while not knowing even a fraction about that bitch. They listen to one garbage ass suburban rapper, (Slim Anal) then blurt out shit like “best lyricist ever!” LMGDFAOx10!!! People actually think Em can fuck with Rakim, Canibus, Nas, or KRS on a lyrical tip? Get the fuck outta here with that 1st grader shit and do some fucking hip hop research for once. Rakim and KRS are the ones who started this lyrical shit! I bet the whites in this thread have never even picked up a Rakim or KRS CD in their lives.

    Somebody summed it up perfectly already. How many of ya’ll white folks got that new Kanye or Common? *Hears crickets* Any Kanye West or Common albums? Any of ya’ll listen to Talib Kweli or Mos Def? Do you even know who the hell those people are? These are the same folks that have only listened to rap for like 5 to 6 fucking years I bet; which happens to be the equivalent of Eminem’s rise to popularity if you see what I’m getting at. Because you went out and copped all of Eminem’s CD’s and saw 8 mile, you have somehow evolved into a fucking hip hop 101 professor capable of acknowledging and determining good and bad rap? Nevermind the scores of lyrically inclined black MCs you know absolutely jack shit about. Get real…

    It’s okay, we don’t take ya’ll serious anyway. Whenever a white person tries to speak on rap music, (our culture) I piss my pants in laughter. The cross dresser you call Eminem is your spokesperson. That’s why he’s the best in your eyes. Doesn’t make that shit fact that he’s the best rapper, now does it?

    As far as Eminem being the best new rap artist to date like someone said – funny shit. Both Kanye’s albums shit all over anything Eminem’s dropped, especially that hot garbage he dubbed “Encore”. Anyone who drops an album that wack sure as fuck ain’t the best new artist. That shit needs to be recalled it was so fucking wack! What top tier, prideful MC puts something like that out?

    And for homeboy who made the comparsion to Ludacris. Ludacris would eat Eminem alive on a mic, Luda’s got too many punchlines, (probably the best punchline rapper in the game right now) and his flow would be too speedy for Eminem. I agree Luda’s better and way funnier!

  39. Morris avatar

    Em racist? Nah… Wack rapper? Hell yeah! Please retire!

  40. Treyvon avatar

    he’s not racist so shut up!!!!!!!!!

  41. Jelly avatar

    Who cares his career is over

  42. pharaoh dragon avatar
    pharaoh dragon

    dig this stupids! for years people have been crazy over a white boy imitating black men when it comes to music, and style. elvis imitated jackie wilson, the italian doowop groups [dion and the belmounts], imitated black doowop groups [the flamingos, frankie lymon and the teenagers], i can go on, and on, but you feel me, you see, people are not crazy over eminem because he’s the best rapper, and he’s not! their crazy about him cause he’s a white boy that rap’s period. he’s a releif, and a great white hope to inferior complexed white boys, and hispanics who feel that black men are better than them at most things. their women and children love us because of sports, hip hop, movies, and rap. the same thing with little richard, chuck berry, and all the pioneers of rock and roll back in the day, white women were throwing their pantie’s on stages at brothers, so white boys started doowoping to get that same attention from their own kind like us. people were so used to seeing us dominate the music industry with class, and soul, that when a white boy like elvis popped up, every body went crazy. but he wasn’t doing anything that a brother hasn’t already done, he or she was just white. white people were so use to black people saying that they couldn’t sing or dance, and laughing at them at the same time, that when a white person popped up that could do just a little of what we could, they became a great white hope. and that’s why so many white boy’s love eminem, he’s their savior, from years of torment by black people you dig? he’s a evil clown, that rap’s about malicious, and sadistic shit, wich is your average white boy, only they do it with rock. and i’ve known in the beginning that he was an undercover racist they all are nowadays. he looks like a skin head. yes he can rap, cause practice makes perfect, but that’s with anything, but he’s not the best, he cant deal with krs1, heavy d, rakim, big daddy kane, onyx, das-efx, busta rhymes, twista, slick rick, idiots, i can go on, and on, but you feel me. it’s time to kick this fool out of hip hop, for good, and for all you racist and envious ass white boys, shut all that shit down! pharaoh dragon.

  43. chol avatar

    Tupac is the greatest rapper because he speaks about important issues.There is keep your head up which talks about respecting black women completly different from Emimem’s viewpoints. Eminems racist degrading lyrics about black women do not fall on his part it falls on us blacks. Black women are the most resiliant most suffering most beutiful people on this planet they get insults because their black and women Eminem would not of insulted our black queens like that if we did’nt. Respect the original daughters of god mothers of great civilizations such as Kush,Egypt, Ethiopia Timbuktu and many others.

  44. KaBaW avatar

    okay first of all some of you are fuckin morons..sayin hes a fuckin racist and he sucks at rapping and should quit hip-hop..

    about bein racist – some of you are saying that you can be racist and have black friends.. okay thats fuckin stupid.. you aint goin to have your best friend be black(in this case it was Proof) and go and say racist shit about them.. aint goin to happen.. atleast iv never seen or heard anything like that.. and iv lived in California which is pretty much a non-racist state to go to West Virgina which is pretty much a all racist state
    so your not gonna have black friends and be racist.. Plain An Simple

    About the fact that he sucks at rapping – okay thats dumb too.. i know people have different opinions on who they like and who they don’t.. but just cause you dont like Eminem doesnt mean he sucks.. if he sucked so damn much.. he wouldnt have done songs with people like The Game, Tupac, Dr Dre, Snoop and some of the other Top Rated Rappers.. I hafta agree with the fact that he isnt the best rapper but is damn well close to the best.. even Dr Dre claims that he didnt know Eminem was white when he first heard that means he didnt pick him up because of color he signed him because of his TALENT..
    Hate him or Like him.. You Should Still Give Him Respect.. He Deserves It..

    And No He shouldnt quit rapping – hes too good to just quit rapping.. too much talent an thats all i have to say..

  45. Daniel avatar

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