Eminem's positive influence on my life

Eminem’s music has cured me from so many deseases I had inside. He has been an eye opener to me.

I used to be very hurt inside from problems I had since my childhood. My mom did not suffer from Munchhausen’s syndrome and I think my childhood has been a lot happier than Marshall’s. But I think my parents have abused me emotionally. My mom used to make me believe that I would never succeed in reaching my goals. When I was 6 years old, I wanted to be a writer and my mom told me that I would never get published, that I had nothing interesting to say anyway. Words can sometimes hurt more than being knocked right in the face.

I believed what she said and began to hate myself. My parents openly showed me that I was worth nothing (in their opinion). I hated them and used to feel very guilty about that.

The song ‘Cleaning Out My Closet’ has been much more then a therapy, it has shown me that you have the right to express your rage and your anger against your parents. When you are hurt, it is sometimes so hard to let your emotions out. When I’m singing this song, I feel liberated from all the negative emotions I had kept inside for years.

I also used to care about people’s opinion about me. I didn’t dare talking back when somebody insulted me. Thanks to Eminem’s ‘just don’t give a fuck attitude’, I now dare expressing my own opinions, no matter how people will judge me or call me. I have become self confident.

I was an old fashioned person in my whole way of life, I mean in nearly everything ( my clothing, my whole attitude). I used to suffer from a lot of inhibitions. Eminem has changed all this. His lyrics have thought me to humor myself. Through some of his jokes contained in his lyrics, I understood that it was useless to take myself too seriously.

But the most important I have learnt from Marshall Mathers through his life story and also through his lyrics is that you can succeed in your goals if you work hard at it and if you believe in your dreams.
I think I have found myself in Eminem’s music. I can relate to some of his songs and his music managed to move me deep inside.

Today I’m a self confident and balanced person and it is all thanks to Eminem.






49 responses to “Eminem's positive influence on my life”

  1. seham& diala avatar
    seham& diala

    eveybody thinks eminem is flippin ugli buh me nd mi frend here seem 2 think hes da kewlest well 50 is preety kewl and all de oder but eminem is speshel cuz he liveed de worst life ever but he still survived! i men i would have mental problems if i was him!
    well me nd mi frend haev prety bad life but its not torture but we’re learnin 2 survive !! well be kwel be strong think of m&m and learn from him! well gotz 2 run

  2. Andy avatar

    eminems life if just like mine I look up to eminem now and always will he is the best raper ja-rule is a fag and 50cent is cool.what gets me mad if every body hates eminem were i live they like 50cent and I hate when people say eminems gay ive been in fights because of the shit I think people should try to feel like eminem when he was in his child hood and now all the shit he gose throw and haily his daughter look how much he cares for here he lets her rap with him. i wish i could met eminem and his daughter. I would do any thing.when I go out of town people swere i’m related to eminem because i look like him and because i rap like him well peace out

  3. laura avatar

    i think eminem is a really good rapper. people are always like o i hate eminem cause of all his tatoos and he swears alot. i mean so what if he has tatoos its his body not theirs and thats how he was bought up and he gets mad with his life that he swears abotu all the shit thats happens. everyone thinks he doesnt have feeling and you can say shit about him but he does have feelings like evry1 else and he shows this with his daughter hallie. he loves her so much and would do anything for her and i really look up to eminem.

  4. laura avatar

    if u want 2 email me uz can

  5. tam avatar

    hi can you send this page to my email tammy2d0000@yahoo.com

  6. danny avatar

    i think eminem is a really tight rapper no matter what stupid people think about him. he really loves his daughter and expresses himslef real good through all his music. i know for a fact that all the people who hate eminem dont understand him and what his life was like.

  7. chris lancaster avatar
    chris lancaster

    i think eminem is great 4 rapin n he gets me on a buzz i like him coz hes got a gangster style n i like dat i think he aint just all how he walks n how he talks hes a great kinda guy most peeps luv his music appart from the petty fagots who think his music is disgustin dey dont now wat dey missin

  8. Nicole.W avatar

    I think em is a pimp ass raper and peeps dat dont like him dont under stand him and da shit dat he has gone throught in his life. So they should not juge him by his Music maybe he got a grip of swearin in his music cuz that is how he is. I respect Em cuz i went throught da same kind of shit when i was a Lil grl my dad put a gun to my moms head and he waoked out of my life when i was a baby and now that i am 14 he wants me back in his life. My mom wolud always go out and get drunk and then come home and beet me and my sista that is now 15.And now Em is my Idol and i respet him for every thing that he dose. and em really loves his baby grl and she needs him in her live.
    Well i got to bounce
    hit me back just to caht and Em if you see this you are my fuckin IDOL and i LOVE YOU

  9. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    I fully understand you. Eminem has saved my life too, his music has cured me. And this is an adult fan talking…

  10. jacob brant avatar
    jacob brant

    u are the beast i love your work i wont to be a rapper some day

  11. Bryan Russell avatar

    I think Eminem is the best rapper in the world and his movie 8mile is fucking deadly… Bryan

  12. Elizabeth avatar

    Eminem has took away all my problems and he shouldnt have to go to confrences cuse if they dont like his music then they shouldnt listen to it.people may think hes stupid or weird but hes not.i think u r the best know matter wut they say cuse wut u know and think is good enough and its not like any 1 has gone around killin some 1 cuse of his music so step out the way yall cuse Eminems comin threw:)

  13. junal avatar

    i think he is the only person in my life who really inspire me by his life story and his music.i havent been inspired by any other person than eminem………..i just want to say ….yeah i like you very much……coz i have found you in my life.


  14. Jolene avatar

    Eminem is great and I don’t care what they think because he is an important person in my life and he is cool that’s no fucking joke his music has helped me through out life.

  15. Justin Brenstrom avatar
    Justin Brenstrom

    Eminem has inspired me in many ways.I havent gone though everything he has but i can relate. I write rap music now.Thats my way of just letting everything i feel out. like him. I wish i could talk to him one on one i would do anything.I love his music it makes so much sense. I cried when i heard halleys song thats touching. I love eminem he is my musical idol.so if yall want to email me bout anything i would like that, (jbdude89@wmconnect.com)

  16. Bomanok avatar

    Wah…. it’s cool that so many ppl get a kick out of Eminem….. thats the best thing about him the way he gets everyone (who likes him) motoivate(spell check..lol) It’s my thinking music, hyping meself up music, wat ever the mood your in Eminem has a song to fit the mood. Eminem has a sweet flow thats the real story


  17. Jesscia avatar

    Hey its jessica.. i feel for eminem because his life was really bad and i love his songs but when i listen to them you can tell hes angry with life and his parents and if i were him i woulnt stand for that (getting abused) but i think he forgot that he can speak for himself and he should have told on his stupid mom when she abused him and if she were to read this id tell her that she is a piece of crap because she had no right to talk to a six year old like that!Any way im rally writing this article thingy because if something like that is happening to you you need to get away! my friend has to deal with this and i cant say her name because i want her to tell herself. But the hardest part is telling on a family member.

  18. Musme avatar

    Eminem has changed many lives, and, even though I don’t know you, I’m glad that his music has changed you in a positive way. He has also changed my life. I was never scared to express myself, but I was worried of what people used to think of me. Now, I’m like, “Fuck all of you guys.” I hate it when people talk shit about him. Like when they extract part of his lyrics and publish them without showing the reason or meaning behind those words. People talk to much shit about Eminem, and the only REAL reason why they do that is because they are JEALOUS. When my friends talk shit about him and I don’t get mad because I know they are just jealous! So, if Eminem has changed your life, “…Please stand up!”

  19. brian s avatar
    brian s

    eminem is an excellent rapper man wen im pissed off with ma parents or feel like chilling cos i iz bored his songs make me feel a lot happier n i respect him cos he tells it like it iz n i love the way he shows his emotions for his daughter in his songs people say he doesnt give a shit but he does i had a hard life wen i woz younger ma self but not as bad as em n i respect the way he can talk about his life so fuk the stupid bitches that dont like im cos i do i hope he gets his daughter bak to were she belongs wif him eminem makes me see sense peace yo

  20. brian s avatar
    brian s

    eminem is an excellent rapper man wen im pissed off with ma parents or feel like chilling cos i iz bored his songs make me feel a lot happier n i respect him cos he tells it like it iz n i love the way he shows his emotions for his daughter in his songs people say he doesnt give a shit but he does i had a hard life wen i woz younger ma self but not as bad as em n i respect the way he can talk about his life so fuk the stupid bitches that dont like im cos i do i hope he gets his daughter bak to were she belongs wif him eminem makes me see sense peace yo

  21. brian s avatar
    brian s

    eminem is an excellent rapper man wen im pissed off with ma parents or feel like chilling cos i iz bored his songs make me feel a lot happier n i respect him cos he tells it like it iz n i love the way he shows his emotions for his daughter in his songs people say he doesnt give a shit but he does i had a hard life wen i woz younger ma self but not as bad as em n i respect the way he can talk about his life so fuk the stupid bitches that dont like im cos i do i hope he gets his daughter bak to were she belongs wif him eminem makes me see sense peace yo

  22. brian s avatar

    eminem is an excellent rapper man wen im pissed off with ma parents or feel like chilling cos i iz bored his songs make me feel a lot happier n i respect him cos he tells it like it iz n i love the way he shows his emotions for his daughter in his songs people say he doesnt give a shit but he does i had a hard life wen i woz younger ma self but not as bad as em n i respect the way he can talk about his life so fuk the stupid bitches that dont like im cos i do i hope he gets his daughter bak to were she belongs wif him eminem makes me see sense peace yo

  23. brian s avatar

    eminem is an excellent rapper man wen im pissed off with ma parents or feel like chilling cos i iz bored his songs make me feel a lot happier n i respect him cos he tells it like it iz n i love the way he shows his emotions for his daughter in his songs people say he doesnt give a shit but he does i had a hard life wen i woz younger ma self but not as bad as em n i respect the way he can talk about his life so fuk the stupid bitches that dont like im cos i do i hope he gets his daughter bak to were she belongs wif him eminem makes me see sense peace yo

  24. brian s avatar

    eminem is an excellent rapper man wen im pissed off with ma parents or feel like chilling cos i iz bored his songs make me feel a lot happier n i respect him cos he tells it like it iz n i love the way he shows his emotions for his daughter in his songs people say he doesnt give a shit but he does i had a hard life wen i woz younger ma self but not as bad as em n i respect the way he can talk about his life so fuk the stupid bitches that dont like im cos i do i hope he gets his daughter bak to were she belongs wif him eminem makes me see sense peace yo

  25. iKki avatar

    Eminem iz mad so’z 50.. eminem bringz truth 2 lyricz n inspire pplz n datz sumthin not jst any1 can do..hez gota gift n hez daymn rite 4 usin it!! newayz..peace ya’ll..[“sydney stylin”].. *L8eRz*..

  26. brit avatar


  27. jamie avatar


  28. Kim avatar

    i love eminem cause i can relate to him. i mean he has to deal with shit every single day. with his wife always making him feel like crap and taking care of Haily. man! and i thought that i had it rough. i just want to meet him and tell him that he is my ro-model. people say that i am making a bad choice to follow in his footsteps but hey what the hell! i just want to see him in person. my dream is to rap with him. just once. i can rap with my friends and even they think that i should go to an eminem concert and see him. my boyfriend loves to rap. in fact his e-mail is eminem’s_mini_me@hotmail.com (hey he’s taken!) anyway he and i just rap until we can’t rap no more. people express words through poetry, stories, or just words but me, my boyfriend, and eminem all express our feelings and emotions through rapping. peace to all who admire eminem as much as i do. for those who don’t burn in hell!

  29. valoni avatar

    hello im albanian.
    im from kosova i like eminem.
    albanian like eminem because is very good raper.
    i like eminem

  30. valoni avatar

    hello im albanian.
    im from kosova i like eminem.
    albanian like eminem because is very good raper.
    i like eminem

  31. Sophia avatar

    I want EMinem’s Email address can anyone please please please please give it to me?

  32. Sophia avatar

    I want EMinem’s Email address can anyone please please please please give it to me?

  33. mistah freeze avatar
    mistah freeze

    yall eminem is da best rapper till now,i mean all his ways ,all his lyrics,dey jus get me wantin to RAP!wish i someday bcome like him nd 50.dey ma idols 4 eva

  34. Kayla avatar

    i think eminem changes everyones life not just urs.and on some of his songs i think expresses some of his childhood felling and that is great.i love eminems music to

  35. ----- avatar


  36. ghhgjhgjghj avatar

    he’s done the exact same for me-he saved my life. when I feel like killing myself I remind myself of him and his song “till I collapse” and I’m motivated to keep going, keep striving to reach my dream.THANK YOU MARSHALL!

  37. rapperboy15 avatar

    Eminem is the greatest rapper on the face of this earth, and i will do anything to go to his concert july 7th in columbus, oh. Eminem you rock..
    ps. if you see this write back to rapperboy15 from tiffin ohio 26 tiffin st. 419-448-7459. zipcode is 44883..

  38. rapperboy15 avatar

    eminem will you send me an autographed copy of encore please and thank you.

    you rule yeah im a rapper to reppin nwo

  39. rapperboy15 avatar

    nWo straight outta tiffin ohio, eminem your our influence yeah you fucking rock keep it up

  40. tiara avatar

    eminem is d cutest but his hair isn’t nice when it’s not shaved i would love to spend a night with him flirting with him i like d way he curses a lot hes so dremy

  41. tiara avatar

    is anybody here seriosly in love wit eminem somtimes i tink d rest of d12 look tis site up and laugh tere heads of at eminem but i’ll never know i sappose but he is hot my mum hates me listening 2 his music i’m listing 2 his music right now he music doesn’t emotionly effect me i just love d way he raps.i would love 2 have control over him for 24 hrs

  42. susmitha avatar

    eminem’s life history has taught me so much on how some1’s surroundings and family situation could do so much to actually change a person’s attitude towards life…his life brins me to the main topic: Nature or Nurture.
    nature; it’s when someone is born in a certain manner- this case…he/she is not to blame for having turned out the way they are.
    nurture; it’s when someone’s surrounding and family structure play an important part…they shape the person’s character- in this case, the person is still not to blame. however, his/her family/ surrrounding carry the whole weghit of blame and pain the person has to endure through the path of his life.

  43. Curtis Richard aka(c-rich) avatar

    Eminem is the #1 best selling rapper in the world. he’s been through so much drama in his life, and has exspressed it all lyrically. “Em” if you ever read this my dream is to be under the AFTER MATH LABEL!! you can email me at yahoo, my email address is crich_2005@yahoo.com if you read this please email me. I need this opportunity!! you are the one who said “you can do anything you put your mind to”

  44. Max avatar

    Yo, I watched 8 mile today and i got more up sesed wid emienem. I made most of my website’s password eminem also!!! I no one of his adress..>…….

    He’s my favorite rapper in the world!!

    And he’s the sweetest person in history or ever! i want to be like him when i grow up!!!

  45. Danzandorj avatar

    hey I understood him after once I listen ‘Cleanin out my closet’ And I understood who the Eminem is. Before i listened his songs, I didn’t like hiphop. Im Mongolian boy and I like his life story and the things he did against the life! And i really want to see him in person!

  46. ryan avatar

    i have learn a lot about eminems life and i try to take my anger out on raps. when i do this it makes me fill makes me better and more happy. more people should do this because it will help they to sort out there anger.

  47. ryan avatar

    have learn a lot about eminems life and i try to take my anger out on raps. when i do this it makes me fill makes me better and more happy. more people should do this because it will help them to sort out there anger.

  48. gamze avatar

    I love eminem because eminem is number one dad.I want emınem’s email or home address can anyone please give it to me,I need eminem’s address

  49. shanaynay avatar

    yea eminem is hott and most of you need to learn how to spell but seriously eminem isnt that great that u obsess over him