Kim's suicide attempts

It isn’t easy to be a rap superstar’s wife. Kim Mathers has been through difficult emotional times during Eminem’s rapid ascencion to the top. She has also shown a lot of instability in her behavior. Kim never really managed to get rid of her drug and alcohol addiction. Both addictions remain demons she will have to fight if she wants to escape to jail.

Serious problems started in Eminem’s couple when Kim was caught by her husband kissing John Guerra. According to Kim, Marshall’s reaction was “overrated”, but we may strongly disagree with her. When you truly love somebody who happens to be your wife and you eventually catch the person cheating on you, you can get really mad. Honestly, I don’t know how I could react out of jealousy under such circumstances. Eminem’s reaction was just human.
As a consequence, Eminem filed divorce that he considered now as unavoidable.
One thing is sure: Kim hasn’t be really prepared to her ex husband’s fame and sharing him with the whole world must have been far from easy to handle. She also could hardly handle Eminem’s character beating the “Kim doll” and she felt rejected by Marshall at this time.

Although she had been caught cheating on Marshall with John Guerra, the thought of divorcing from Marshall must have been unbearable to her, when she decided to kill herself in July 2000 in presence of her mother, Kathleen Sluck. Nathan, Eminem’s brother was caught in the middle of this tragic event.
Sterling Heights police received a 911 emergency call at 11 pm from Kathleen Sluck that has been recorded:

· Dispatcher: Sterling Heights 911.
· Mother: I need an ambulance.
· Dispatcher: What’s going on?
· Mother: My daughter is trying to commit suicide. She just cut her wrists.
· Dispatcher: Where is she right now?
· Mother: Walking through the house, dripping blood.
· Mother: Kim, put it down! Put it down!
· Dispatcher: What has she got?
· Mother: Put it down! Please, I love you, please put it down!
· Dispatcher: What has she got?
· Mother: A razor blade!
· Dispatcher: What does she have in her hand?
· Mother: A razor blade!
· Dispatcher: She’s got a razor blade in her hand, she’s threatening to use it again.
· Mother: Kim, please give me the razor.
· Dispatcher: Ask her if she’ll talk to me?

She was so desperate that she slit her wrists several times with a razor blade. When the police officers arrived at the Mathers’ home, they found Kim bleeding and crying. She told them : « There has got to be a better place than this. »
When the drama happened, Eminem was performing at the Auburn Hills Palace with Snoop Dogg. According to Todd Nelson, Kim attended to the concert and to the post party show before trying to kill herself.
After the incident, Kim was sent to the hospital.
Dennis Dennehy, Eminem’s publicist, expressed on the subject after the drama :

“Eminem is obviously concerned about his wife’s well-being. As far as anything else, it’s a private matter, which they’ll be addressing privately.”

“She never wanted to be a celebrity. She was unfortunately thrust into the position. She needs time to heal both emotionally and physically,” Neil Rockind, Kim’s attorney said. Neil Rockind described his client “a very pleasant and likable person”.

During the period Kim divorced from Eminem till now, she never managed to get rid to her drug addiction and she has recently shown some emotional instability.
In June 2003, while Eminem was on his Anger Management Tour, Kim has been caught with cocaine bags and driving with a revoked driving licence in Harrisson Township. She had to face some felony charges in Court and failed to appear in Court several times. She even removed the tether that was supposed to monitor her moves out of her house.
On November the 10 th, she skipped a preliminary hearing in Court and suddenly disappeared without even Eminem knowing where she was.
Thanks to Todd Nelson, we now know that Kim wanted to commit suicide again in Cancun, Mexico. We also know that Eminem prevented her from committing suicide. Kim is a woman whose life has been far from easy and who needs to overcome a lot of instabilities and addictive behavior. Maybe she will manage to overcome those issues, since the Court gave her a second chance-at least for Hailie and Whitney-, her daughters.






10 responses to “Kim's suicide attempts”

  1. Chizzy of Offnoise UK avatar
    Chizzy of Offnoise UK

    Cant remember how I stumbled across this article. But I don’t think its up to anyone to be discussing peoples personal lives like this. If they got problems its up to them to deal with them.
    But when they deal with them they should remember how much they are in the public eye. And he should remember that whether he wants it or not he is famous. Lots of kids look up to him as a role model.

  2. D avatar

    What most people don’t realize that it is few and far between that people with only a dream blow up as big as Marshall Mathers has done. I’m sure there was a time when all Kim wanted was Marshall to have a good paying job and provide a roof over their heads. Well she got that and a whole lot more.

    Kim lives in the shadow, I mean it wasn’t even supposed to be known that he was married. Does anyone have any idea as to what that must feel like? You are married to someone you love and yet you’re not supposed to exist. That may have been the price Marshall was willing to pay but what about Kim?

    It’s typical that most fans don’t like her when really all it comes down to is envy. Here is this average looking pretty girl that no matter what mistakes she makes, Hot Rocks, Eric Hartter, her apparent drug addiction. This guy, this well known respected artist chooses to go back with her.

    Marshall has been quoted as saying that he would be lying if he said he goes back with her only because of Hailie but rather it’s because he really loves her. Why shouldn’t he? Who else can he really trust to love him for him, want to be with him for the average guy he is.

    It’s not our life to judge however it is sad that Kim is the one that feels so empty and lost that her only thought of a way out is suicide. There is a lot more going on when you have two beautiful daughters at home and they’re not enough to keep you straight.

    One can only hope that Marshall eventually comes to realize that he can love Kim all he wants but if he is choosing to stand by her side no matter what it may eventually cost him his daughter and Whitney. Money and fame can only protect you for so long as the courts do have a right and responsibility to protect the children.

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  4. jodie tasha avatar

    kim has like 2 kids, whitney & Hailie, she loves them as much as marshall loves hailie, marshall adopted alaina ( kims sister dawns daughter) who is 11 yrs old cos dawns like druged up, but i think this has nothing to do with anyone besides them. their life is curently fucked up, but they will all pull through, goodluck to kim marshall and all the childern x x x

  5. LILTHUGG ANGEL avatar

    FUCK, WHEN R U PEOPLE GONNA MIND UR OWN BUSINESS, someday those kids I mean M&M’S DAUGHTER OR WHATEVER is gonna come 2 this website and notice that u fuckin’ reporters are makin’ up some lame news just for ur own sake but u ain’t thinkin’ about others, MAN PEOPLE THESE DAYS.

  6. Karen avatar

    Everyone has problems, the difference is that most of us do not have to live them out in front of the world. Just wish Kim, Eminem, and the little girls a happy life together.
    We have no right to judge. I admire both for trying to do their best and for loving their daughters. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t had some kind of problems, especially at their young age.

  7. Lorena avatar

    hi my name is lorena. just wanted to say that commiting suicide is not the right way to help you i know alot bout that cause to tell you the truth i tried it and it doesnt help at all. kim has to wonderful daughters and you need think about them first. I think my lifeis screwed but it isnt have a past that i want to fix really bad but when its done its done. but i look through and i still a long way through life and i will accomplish everything and will be like some bodyi look up to and that isnt my mother. just think about.

  8. ali avatar

    kim u suck cheating m&m and cutting ur wrist in front of ur mom so she cud take u 2 hospital u just want em’s money.

  9. dedra avatar

    omg thats sad thank god she is alive .eminem is a waiste of life for treating his wife this way ,.

  10. ayAH avatar