Eminem's music brings two girls back to life

Some people are very fast in reporting Eminem’s bad influence on kids and they often refer to teenager’s suicides. Kaleigh Davis’ death (although Eminem cannot be held responsible of the young girl’s suicide who used to like his music and who was bullied at school) is set up as an example of what kind of damages Eminem’s music can cause in young people’s lives.

But do you know that Eminem’s music brought two young girls back to life ?
Those stories need to be told to the world, because they are extraordinary.
Both stories are amazing.
In 2001, Dione Armstrong from Northumberland had a bad car accident. She used to suffer from severe head injuries.
Dione woke up after spending 11 days on a life support machine and opened her eyes again after listening to Eminem’s tape, probably the Marshall Mathers LP.
Dione’s mom recalls :

“Eminem is helping to save her life. The minute I put on that music she was moving her hands.”

Her daughter is a huge Eminem fan whose music is part of her every day life :

“She is such a big fan. Every night she puts him on the ghetto blaster at home and goes to sleep to him.”

Ain’t this story wonderful ?

There is another amazing story reported by another tabloid about one year later : Claire Derbyshire(17)’s life was saved by Eminem in a similar way.
According to the Star magazine, Eminem even heard about her story and sent her some presents for her recovery :

“He sent Claire Derbyshire, 17, a bandana, CDs, signed pictures of himself and a limited edition doll to help her recovery.”

Eminem’s gifts have seem to have helped a lot in her recovery, but the most amazing fact is certainly that no other music but Eminem’s had the power to wake the young girl up.

Parents next time you will be tempted to hate on Eminem, try to think about it : Eminem’s music could save your own kid’s life someday…

You can read the original stories here :








8 responses to “Eminem's music brings two girls back to life”

  1. Justin avatar

    That Is Bullshit

  2. stephen avatar

    no.. its not.. play til i collapse and dont listen to it.. i mean dont try to listen to the beats or nothing.. talk to ur dad thats been on meth for almost a year.. see what the music does.. eminem is my fucking hero.

  3. c avatar

    eminem a fuckin beast screw the bullshitin parents

  4. James Corry avatar
    James Corry

    okay weel I like eminem’s music and I am a parent of 4 kids… I think 8 mile is a good movie for older kids as long as you make sure they know not to swear…i think it shows that you can become somehting even if you have nothing…as for his music I don’t think you can really say all his music is bad for kids some is and some is not his old stuff I would not let kids hear…but some of his new stuff is not bad like I like his song mockingbird if you just take of the end…also it’s not only the song but how old they are and if they know right from wrong…to say eminem’s music is bad for kids is wrong and to blame him for kids suicide is not fair to him if the kids take what he says for real then they are to young to listen to him or don’t know right from wrong or real from made up and you might want to think about that

  5. danny avatar

    wat the fucks all ur problems with eminem. lyk sum people just talk suchjshite lyk that fuckin idiot that sed he was a beast and the parents are fuckin lykin. people that say that kinda shit just need a smack get a life dickhead marshal is a hero and the fuckers who diss him should get a life

  6. danny avatar

    wat the fucks all ur problems with eminem. lyk sum people just talk suchjshite lyk that fuckin idiot that sed he was a beast and the parents are fuckin lykin. people that say that kinda shit just need a smack get a life dickhead marshal is a hero and the fuckers who diss him should get a life

  7. kanmani avatar

    eminem’s songs are no bad..
    he has been influenced by all the bad things he had gone through when he was young..because of his father who left him, his mother who took pills, wife who was into drugs. these people affected him badly. and that caused him to sing songs like these. but eminem is a good and loving father to his daughter. he was also willing to adopt kim’s sis’s child and a daughter of kim and ANOTHER MAN.
    eminem makes me realize many things like: we shouldnt’ care what people think about us.
    i support eminem.
    eminem is my hero!

  8. Daniel avatar

    I couldn’t understand some parts of this article m’s music brings two girls back to life at Gavin’s Blog, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.