US govt buys world's biggest RAM disk

It’s rumoured that it was the Department of Homeland Security that is going to need all this RAM. But any agency or government that needs this much memory is up to something I guess.

2.5 Terabytes of RAM.

My laptop has 256Mb. So they have 10,000 times the memory. Good god.







5 responses to “US govt buys world's biggest RAM disk”

  1. Ryan avatar

    Maybe they’re just planning to upgrade to Longhorn when it eventually comes out?

  2. Gavin avatar

    Hehehehe, no doubt longhorn will need it. If it ever does come out that is. Or maybe by the time it comes out all computers will have 2.5tb as standard. hehe

  3.  avatar

    You have a good site, i enjoyed my stay!

  4. cuzza avatar

    i only have 16mb ram 🙁

  5. richie rowe avatar
    richie rowe

    well i only have 4 🙁