Many Started Web Logs for Fun, but Bloggers Need Money, Too

Interesting story in the New York Times on the future of blogging, and how much money people might be able to make from it. As for myself the donations total since I started this weblog stands at €0. That’s in 2 years of blogging. And paying almost €20 a month for my server means that I am down a not insignifcant sum each year.






2 responses to “Many Started Web Logs for Fun, but Bloggers Need Money, Too”

  1. trish avatar

    the problem with requesting donations is that most of your readers probably have blogs of their own, and have their own server costs. Unless you have large numbers of blog-less readers, or can provide a service to the blogging community, I can’t see how donations will work.

  2. Gavin avatar

    All too true, it sounded like i was complaining in the post, im not. Just that a little help now and then would be nice lol