Keep talking, Miss Alvarez. Nobody cares.

A bored manicurist certainly wants her 15 minutes of attention in the press:–he-was-like-a-virgin-at-first-name_page.html

Nobody would really care about Kesia Alvarez if Eminem’s name wasn’t mentionned beside hers in an article from the “Mirror”. Her strategy isn’t new nor original, though: Todd Nelson, JR Watkins and Byron Williams have done it long before her.
All of them didn’t mind displaying a huge amount of details about Eminem’s sexual life. Kim’s privacy has, of course, been totally exposed too.

Kesia may have dated Eminem, she might know some intimate details about the talented rapper, but I find her exposure of some details despicable and most of them are probably a bunch of lies too.

Sexual life has to do with privacy and I couldn’t display what happened between me and my former lovers publicly. No matter if they’re famous of not. It is a very intimate sphere and I would be ashamed of myself if I acted like Kesia. Because Eminem is a public person, some people think they are allowed to give any detail about him. I’m sorry, but you have no right to do that: Eminem has the right to have a private life too. There is a part of him that doesn’t belong to his public and true friends would never reveal it.

I frankly doubt some of Kesia’s statements, not because I’m defending Eminem , but simply because they don’t seem to match with reality:

” He didn’t know how to excite a woman.”

Kesia wasn’t the first woman Eminem had dated in 1999. He has grown up with Kim and started dating Kim since he was around 16. He has had a long term relationship with Kim. It is also a known fact that he has dated some other women long before Kesia.

It is just so obvious that Kesia wants some attention. She also claims that she has been in love with Marshall. If her (past) love for him was sincere, she wouldn’t dare talking about “his manhood” and particularly in demeaning terms. The lyrics of “Hey Lady” talk about such behavior:

“What we do under the covers should stay between the covers
And the two of us and we ain’t gotta be news coverage
On the front page cover of “Buzz’s New Lovers”
And this is when the bitch get to showin’ the true colors
Cuz the truth of it, everything that I do’s public
And you’d love it if you could run and tell all your friends
Guess who you just screwed, assume just me and you’ve done it
And say that you was rubbered and show ’em the proof of it…”

She claims to have loved him, but now she shows her true colors. No wonder Marshall hardly trusts anybody.

Kesia largely overrates her importance in Eminem’s eyes. It is laughable:

“Marshall is a wonderful father and adores Hailie. He told me that she was the only reason he was marrying Kim rather than me.”

Those words are demented by Marshall’s own words about Kim:

““Me and Kim, we been through our dramas and shit, but I’ve been bald-faced lying if I said I don’t love her or I’m with her because of my daughter. I’m with her, ‘cause I really wanna be with her. I love that girl, man. I really do.”

If Marshall took the decision to marry Kim in 1999, it was because of the love he felt for her, not because of his daughter. True friends like Proof have confirmed it.
Kesia also suggests Eminem may be gay. Her arguments are just laughable:

“He’s very homophobic but I think he protests too much.
I NOTICED on tour that he was often surrounded by young men who seemed gay to me – particularly when we were in Europe – and he would mysteriously disappear sometimes.”

Besides her rumours about Eminem’s sex life, Kesia’s other “revelations” are no mistery for Eminem’s true fan base. We all know that Eminem used to take drugs, particularly at the beginning at his career. We also know that Eminem doesn’t correspond to Slim Shady’s persona in real life. Other women who have dated him, such as Brittany Murphy have stated that they were treated respectfully by him. Fortunately, those women have more respect for intimacy.

Keep talking, Miss Alvarez, keep spreading your rumours. Nobody cares, except for scandal newspapers. You didn’t manage to make Eminem look bad, because your story looks fabricated for a large part. The only person you managed to make look really bad is you. Try to think about it.






15 responses to “Keep talking, Miss Alvarez. Nobody cares.”

  1. no one avatar
    no one

    well, i read that article too. is how strange people will do to get fame… even if miss alvarez say something wrost than that, i don’t think it will affect eminem much, we care about his talent, not his private life. and i truly hope people will stop talking about other’s private life, is really painful…

  2. The Man Deserves Some Privacy avatar
    The Man Deserves Some Privacy

    Kesia sounds like a groupie who turned bitter when she realised that Eminem was only hers in her dreams. Unlike Kesia, a majority of us have managed to leave the schoolyard bitchiness where it belongs. It is my opinion that she and the others who decide to spread such stories should just grow up.

  3. jgfj avatar

    das wars

  4. VANESSA avatar

    I think “gavin” is totally wrong 7 who ever else agrees with him. Obviously, it took Kesia a couple years to even want to discuss this issue pertaining to Marshall.She has only stated the fact that he’s a fake person & doesn’t really give a shit about his”fans”.You people need not judge what you DON’T know.

  5. what's it 2 ya avatar
    what’s it 2 ya

    You people need to lay off Kesia.Get a life.Everyone has the right to speak whatever they want to speak.RIGHT?????????Isn’t that what EMINEM preaches.Hey GAVIN…………..Screw yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Some1 who cares avatar
    Some1 who cares

    You makes him sound like ke’s invincible or something.Get a grip GAVIN…..the girl has the right to speak whatever she feels.You don’t know the situations surrounding Em & Kesia.So, hopefully Kesia WILL keep talking, because there may be alot more to her story than what was published by the tabloids.There ARE some people that care GAVIN.

  7. anyone avatar

    even if she have the freedom of speech, i’m don’t think it is moral to talk about another person’s private life. even thought some people care about what she said about eminem, but i think there’s a large percent of people who don’t give a fuck and continue like eminem and listen to his music and all, i’m one of them.

  8. shirley avatar

    You all grazy that stupid BITCH should keep her mouth emin3m is the great best rapper in the hole world!!~~ and yes he takes drugs so what~THATS HE,S THING JOU KNOW??? I mean it If i see that bitch se got a fucking problem

  9. a true fan avatar
    a true fan

    !st off.all you jerk-off’s that are bad mouthing Kesia really need to check yourselves b/c I’m sure ther’s alot more to the story than just the sizeof his “TINY” manhoood.That’s just something the tabs focused on b/c SHIT not 4 nutin’he claims to A long dick bad-ass in his music.I feel she’s focusing on the fact that what he raps about & who he is as aperson is all bulls**t & that he doesn’t really give a F*CK about his “FANS” the way ya’ll think he does.So, lay off the girl & take it 4 what it’s worth.He tried to dump her after he thought she was preganant.Now what does that say about what kind of PRICK_”BASTARD” he is……………………………..

  10. a "fair" person avatar
    a “fair” person

    If any of you ass’ read the story, I think everyone forgot about the part that Kesia was good enough to share his bed w/ him for 16 mths.(+) & when there was a possibility that Kesia was “PREGANT” that pussy Em wasnted to BAIL on her, just like “HIS” father did to him.What a hypocritical “BASTARD”…..Oh. yeahh, & he brags & HOLLAS so much about he aint shit like his ol’ man who made him a “BASTARD”.So, let me ask all you “HYPOCRITS”..He was ready to make KESIA’s kid a “BASTARD” just like his daddy made him.WHAT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Eminem avatar

    Fuck that bitch.. Eminem forever!

  12. emenim the best avatar
    emenim the best

    i think that kesia is jelouse she should stop hating and to get a life,kesia talks about him but she still slept with him kesia a a f**** slut and a bitch

  13. Hmmm.. avatar

    First off, I am a fan of Eminem, but it ia weird how the different people in his life with no affiliation to one another-lovers, family and friends have similar stories about his characteristics. Even his mom stated in a few interviews that he ‘created’ the hard image he portrays, or else he would be “chewed up and spit out’..If you notice in 8 mile..when he does he is on stage with his final rap that won him his ‘title’, he dissed his opponent on being from a good neighborhood with good both parents-so he didn’t qualify as being hard. Plus in an interview with the mother from the little girl who played his sister in 8mile, the mom said she was surprised at how sweet and tender he was with his own daughter and hers.
    Plus, experience with guys that brag about the size of thier manhood-usually are all talk.
    I love Eminem for his music, I don’t care about his life, but, you simply can’t dismiss how some of the sh*t that is being said is the same thing from different mouths. Plus, if this Kesia chick wanted fame, why didn’t she report that article to the Source? They would have bought it up in a sec. Why is not her picture so accessible? She was dating Em for over a year..

  14. riley avatar

    first off i wanna say kesia must be outta her mind, marshall gay? what the f***! any way if he is so bad brittany murphy woulda spoke on it but she did in fact she said he is a “wonderful person” but in all realness i say f*** the hype and focus on the realness… the music eminem been done making the hotttest the hottest s*** for the longest, pay attention to the art!

  15. constantine avatar

    whatever…i find common ground with eminem on one thing for sure. I’m 28 years old and I only loved ONE and that’s how it’s going to stay. She may not be right for me, because she cheated on me and i kept going back, and she kept coming back. It’s a bad situation. But you just weigh what it’s worth–cost-benefit analysis i guess. Eminem wants to be with Kim, I think, but it’s just alot of drama; i guess it got messy-i don’t know. I think eminem is really a great person, the world is just getting to him because it’s bullshit–the despicable way most people carry themselves and people like Kesia, that retarded woman has no business being mean, what a bitch. Eminem knows that Kesia is a suprficial whore who talked bad about him soon as she could…Kim probably doesn’t do this to him. they argue i bet, but i NEVER heard about her screwing him over in public. Eminem has values, obviously where the GREAT majoirty of people don’t. Sorry to ramble on and on, but my point is Eminem is a good guy I really think, and I’ve never thought for a minute he’s not. that’s my piece…goodnight everyone.