Des Bishop

American comedian, but Irish resident, Des Bishop has a blog. I think he might need some help adding in some links to other blogs – and maybe a comments option rather than having to register for the forum. No email address either that I can see. And no Sitemeter…

Anyways by linking to him now it will help his Google rank as at present googling his name won’t bring up his site. I wonder how high I will rank now that I have used his name as a heading.






6 responses to “Des Bishop”

  1. desbishop avatar

    Hey Gav> Open to some suggestions as I am new at the whole thing. Send us an e mail and help us out.

  2. Gavin avatar

    No worries!

  3. Darren Byrne avatar
    Darren Byrne

    Hi Des realy enjoyed your show in Waterford the very first one on the tour last year.. I was the fellah from adamstown..with the american wife…rant now… why isn’t Lorcan Alen in Jail?? election thru fraud. isn’t it illegal??. why isn’t Judge Brian Curtain in Jail the paedophile bastard and also why isnt Judge Carroll Moran in Jail for letting him off?? Why are the scams and the bullshit.. why am I up so late??

  4. Anne-Marie Fahy avatar
    Anne-Marie Fahy

    hiya Des. I just want to say that I love your dvd on the work experience. I think you are the funniest

  5. Anne-Marie Fahy avatar
    Anne-Marie Fahy

    Hiya Des I just think your dvd is brill and you are the funniest man ever! I also think you are very brave for fighting your cancer and holding youe head high!

  6. Caitriona and Catriona avatar

    Hey yea Annie Fa wats the sca? just looking through the des bishop web sites and stummbled across your lil msg!!!! cool or wat? o yea hey des, wats da crack man? any sca wit u? just ere doin a project on yea, mental!! anyways just wanted to say hi n we think ur SUM BRID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heres my number, il always answer wen you call = 999(“,)