The Nick Berg video

Readers Niall and John have expressed dissatisfaction with my linking to the pictures and videos of the murder of Nick Berg.

As always I appreciate input from anyone, especially regular contributors like Niall and John.

Niall notes:

I don’t think there’s any reason why anyone outside of intelligence or the media should see this tape, the contents add nothing to the statement “An American was beheaded”. No further details can be garnered through watching this.

I urge you not to click on the link, or pass on this link, and I urge Gavin to remove it.

Like your blog, mate, but this is beyond the pale.

John agrees:

Niall, 100% agree. No need for pictures from Abu Ghraid either other than “abuses took place”.

Something like this happened last year, when I published al’Jazeera stills of Iraqi casulties during the invasion. As ever I have to listen to views expressed, otherwise I would not be a very good blogger.

I am tempted to remove the link as Niall suggests, but for some reason I hesitate. I can’t say exactly why, but I shall think about very seriously over the next day or so.

There is no doubting that there is demand for the video however – some 5000 people have visited this weblog alone in two days to see the video.

Is removing the link serving any purpose? Is keeping it serving a purpose?

I’m not sure I agree with John when he says the pictures from Baghdad serve no purpose.

As I say, I will seriously consider this.






28 responses to “The Nick Berg video”

  1. john avatar

    I want to see everything

  2. Conor avatar

    Christ, are we going back to the Middle Ages.

    Is it essential for people to see somebody being beheaded.

  3. niall avatar

    Would have to make clear that I’m not sure I agree with John either – the pix from Abu Ghraib brought the systemic abuse of prisoners to the public’s attention; not sure whether that would have happened WITHOUT the pictures, given the current wranglings over when the ICRC and Amnesty reports were received.

    And I’ll confess – I’d seen the tape before reading your blog entry below. It didn’t contain, in my opinion, anything that other people should see. I’d certainly prefer NOT to have seen it.

  4. Bernie Goldbach avatar

    Good snuff attracts the masses.

  5. marwan avatar

    This of course the result of what had happen in Abo Gharib prison. I want to know what did you people expect from the Iraqi people after all what happend from the American & the Britsh by killing all this No.of civilians children,old men & women.

  6. John avatar

    To be honest, I was being flippant. I was responding to Niall’s comment that “An American was beheaded” was sufficient. It was for me, but so would the description of the photos from Abu Ghraib. But, for others, a picture is worth more than a thousand words.

  7. Rafid avatar

    every thing about this case

  8. Lori avatar

    I think its extremely important for Americans to see this video. I know its horrific and disgusting but the American liberals need to see this in order to understand the scum that we are dealing with. This video justifies our cause. My prayers go out to Nick Berg’s family and friends. He is in a better place now.

  9. cher avatar

    i think thay should do the same to the people who is doing it.

  10. SJG avatar

    I’m a physician and see surgeries on a daily basis. I consider myself as having a pretty strong stomach when it comes to blood and injuries. I just watched the vidio of the beheading of Eugene Armstrong. I am literally shaking and nearly vomitted. Who are these animals that can do this to another human being in the name of some god? The only good thing about the video is that it lasted less than a minute, which means that Mr. Armstrong’s pain and horror was also short-lived. What kind of world do we live in?

  11. Female avatar

    Consider this before you decide to download the beheading of Eugene..Were you to be the victim, or your mother, father, sister, brother, or child, would you want them to be humiliated further by having their last moments on earth displayed in such a way? Has anyone oonsidered what the victim would want? Do you really think that Eugene would want you to see him this way? If you have a penchant for this perhaps you ought to search your inner self and ask why this is so. Whats next, grave robbing to look at decomposed bodies?

  12. ronald avatar

    from times to times i wonder why the world is so fucked up. when i see that horrific movie, of an innocent men being murdered in the most cruel way possible, and when i read these comments, i realize why. and i’ll be blunt i don’t like this specific group of iraqis who do those horrific things, but neither do i like those american who see as only option death, vengeance and abuse. i don’t say: “don’t be mad” , cause these and other events in iraq are reason to be. i just say don’t be blinded by it, and see that there are also real human beings amongst the cruel people, that are here spoken of. i think this is to be so important, cause we have to realize that also the american kids see this shocking footage and hear about those bad muslims (on boards like these), and that also the iraqis kids see their fellow iraqis people being murdered and abused and that these iraqis kids also read about the american people hating them for deeds only committed by some of them. that’s why i wonder how this combination of a two sided hate is to be a solution for future generations.

    a 16 year old boy from the netherlands

  13. ronald avatar

    from times to times i wonder why the world is so fucked up. when i see that horrific movie, of an innocent men being murdered in the most cruel way possible, and when i read these comments, i realize why. and i’ll be blunt i don’t like this specific group of iraqis who do those horrific things, but neither do i like those american who see as only option death, vengeance and abuse. i don’t say: “don’t be mad” , cause these and other events in iraq are reason to be. i just say don’t be blinded by it, and see that there are also real human beings amongst the cruel people, that are here spoken of. i think this is to be so important, cause we have to realize that also the american kids see this shocking footage and hear about those bad muslims (on boards like these), and that also the iraqis kids see their fellow iraqis people being murdered and abused and that these iraqis kids also read about the american people hating them for deeds only committed by some of them. that’s why i wonder how this combination of a two sided hate is to be a solution for future generations.

    a 16 year old boy from the netherlands

  14. ronald avatar

    from times to times i wonder why the world is so fucked up. when i see that horrific movie, of an innocent men being murdered in the most cruel way possible, and when i read these comments, i realize why. and i’ll be blunt i don’t like this specific group of iraqis who do those horrific things, but neither do i like those american who see as only option death, vengeance and abuse. i don’t say: “don’t be mad” , cause these and other events in iraq are reason to be. i just say don’t be blinded by it, and see that there are also real human beings amongst the cruel people, that are here spoken of. i think this is to be so important, cause we have to realize that also the american kids see this shocking footage and hear about those bad muslims (on boards like these), and that also the iraqis kids see their fellow iraqis people being murdered and abused and that these iraqis kids also read about the american people hating them for deeds only committed by some of them. that’s why i wonder how this combination of a two sided hate is to be a solution for future generations.

    a 16 year old boy from the netherlands

  15.  avatar

    I would not watch another human being killed like an animal and for all of you animals who watched it and for the animals who did it shame on you.If that was your dad ,grandad ,uncle ,brother,husband or child how would you feel.To see them slaughtered for public viewing there are no words to desribe that.Whichever god you believe in any of you ,you know you are wrong and the people who watched that poor chap die should be so ashamed ,they actually encourage these animals to do what they do.Imagine the person you love the most in this sorry world,then imagine that happening to them and everyone watching.

  16.  avatar


  17. julian avatar

    I REAlly liked when he was screaming for his life that was the greatest part of the whole thing,it really got me hot

  18.  avatar

    To the animals who left the 2 previous messages I hope you get cancer and suffer immense pain,but after months of pain from cancer,your house burns down with you in it,you are burnt to death and then your sick remains are broadcast for us all to have a good laugh at ,absolute animals think you are so clever,you wont meet your maker,you are going to hell,directly to hell.

  19.  avatar

    For the saddos previously who get a kick out of this,we all know you were the sad bastards at school who nobody liked.The gimps that everyone took the piss out of.It gets you so hot sat in front of your computer watching a horrible thing because you are freaks.Nobody has ever liked you and nobody ever will,enjoying the murder of someone does not make you cool,you will always be the sad fuckers who someone should have gassed at birth to save their parents the embaressment.Cancer is far too good for you,lets all pray they get motor neurone disease and then get burnt to death.

  20. anon avatar

    The world is becoming a horrible place. To all of the previous 4 posters I pray for you. The comments of the first two are appaling and inhuman but to the second two, you are just as bad in a way.
    God teaches us to love, turn the other cheeck and forgive. If there was more of that in the world, people would get on better and sad misguided people like those who did that to Nick and to those who become so tanited by the evil to make such sad posts like these above would no longer exist. Sometimes I wish I didn’t in such a cruel world.
    Please try to love others more and make a difference. Today, try to forgive somebody who has wronged you. Do it today because if enough of us do then the good will spread. That’s what the god of all religions teaches. Even if you don’t believe in anything believe in your family and imagine something like this happening to your loved ones. Love and love will come back to you, hate and all you do is bring ill onto everyone.

  21.  avatar

    How can the people who are appalled by the perverts who enjoyed the slaying of innocents be as bad as them.Would you turn the other cheek if that was your dad who had his head sawn off with a knife.I will save my love for those who have earnt it,my hate for those who deserve it and God said turn the other cheek in respect of human beings ,not sub normal terrorists who don’t value life ,love,families ,God or anything decent.The scum that enjoyed the awfull slayings,which I would not ever want to see will burn in hell,vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord,all forgiving stop forgiving scum and save your prayers for the families of the slain who maybe cannot be as forgiving as you ,they are hurting too much.they are in a living hell that will be with them til they die.

  22. anon avatar

    The people who are appalled by others who enjoy these perverted acts include the majority of the population of this planet, including me. No I don’t say the majority of the planet are as bad as these ‘perverts’, but those who wish disgusting kinds of cruelty in retaliation are not much better. Just by making such terrible statements in return these people are unwittingly, I believe, playing into the hands of evil. You misunderstand me. What I said, simplified, was not to sink to the level of the first two posters, but to rise above it. You are right that God will be the ultimate judge of all of us not you or me. What you need to ask is what would your god feel about you wishing anybody, bad or otherwise, such ill or that they burn in hell? I pray for the families of the poor innocent victims daily and I pray for their relief from suffering. Praying for them is a much better act for good than wishing more evil into the world by wishing recriminations against anybody, however evil. If it were my father, a friend, a stranger, me or if it were you, I would feel equally as appalled at the atrocity. We just need to separate the fundamentals of good from evil. Wishing such awful things as a backlash reaction only brings more hate and evil into the world. Don’t you think we could do with less of that? I agree with many of your points but only good will defeat evil not more evil. I am sorry if my comments offended you but we all need to work together to make the world a better place. I wish you peace when I say I pray for you. I wish the innocent who have been so unjustly slaughtered peace in heaven and I wish their poor families peace too. Please take this in the way that it is meant. With love.

  23.  avatar

    Any human being will wish the ultimate act of retributian on the scum,do not forgive the unforgivable ,my little girl is terminally ill,pray for her ,not animals .

  24. Sue avatar

    I pray for the families of the victims,the victims themselves,I do not pray for terrorists ,I do not pray for weirdos who enjoy seeing the execution of another human being,I ask my God to deal with those animals and he will.Sorry to the person who thinks love and it will make the world a better place ,if only it would .I seriously suspect the pond life who committed these awfull acts and the pigs that got a kick,I think it’s the same pig who left the 2 vile comments
    left within minutes of each other will burn in hell.I believe in God ,I am not a bad person,I feel the same as the person who left the animated posts about them,maybe a little vulgar ,but at the end of the day cancer is too good for them.

  25. greg avatar

    I think that it is awful what terrorists do to their victims. I think that it really horrible and sick. The world is becoming a dangerouse place.

  26. Aqualung avatar

    i watched the american getting his head cut off, seeing this man rocking from side too side in fear and anticipation of dying gave me a erection the erotic sounds of his death throws gave me a intense orgasm i now trawl the internet looking for snuff movies to aid me in masturbation ..thank you

  27.  avatar

    sad freak who left previous message cannot even spell

  28. Christopher Meraz avatar
    Christopher Meraz

    No need to take it down, Gavin. People who don’t wish to watch this sort of thing can see the title (“Beheading of Nick Berg” is quite descriptive) and abstain from opening it.

    I feel you should leave it up, in order that people not forget the things that go on outside their sterile little worlds. There is nothing worse than ignoring evil.

    I myself do not need to watch this video to remember that life is precious. But maybe others do.

    Christopher Meraz