Nick Berg editing

I have removed the links to the Berg video and pictures. I don’t think there’s any need to keep it there any longer –






9 responses to “Nick Berg editing”

  1. taryn avatar

    we have a lot of wondering minds out here. and that video has made your site very popular over here in texas. please put video back if at all possible.

  2. Keith avatar

    This is my first time I have been to your site I got turn on to it by a friand to see the berg video. Its suck’s that you folded and remove the video, we have a right and need too know what is happening, and that means getting the cold hard truth. How can we ever make chang with out it.

    We must know the full story no matter how bad or good, or you can just be like CNN.

    PS. put the vid back thanks Bukvi

  3. Keith avatar

    This is my first time I have been to your site I got turn on to it by a friand to see the berg video. Its suck’s that you folded and remove the video, we have a right and need too know what is happening, and that means getting the cold hard truth. How can we ever make chang with out it.

    We must know the full story no matter how bad or good, or you can just be like CNN.

    PS. put the vid back thanks Bukvi

  4. Keith avatar

    This is my first time I have been to your site I got turn on to it by a friand to see the berg video. Its suck’s that you folded and remove the video, we have a right and need too know what is happening, and that means getting the cold hard truth. How can we ever make chang with out it.

    We must know the full story no matter how bad or good, or you can just be like CNN.

    PS. put the vid back thanks Bukvi

  5. Keith avatar

    This is my first time I have been to your site I got turn on to it by a friand to see the berg video. Its suck’s that you folded and remove the video, we have a right and need too know what is happening, and that means getting the cold hard truth. How can we ever make chang with out it.

    We must know the full story no matter how bad or good, or you can just be like CNN.

    PS. put the vid back thanks Bukvi

  6. Keith avatar

    This is my first time I have been to your site I got turn on to it by a friand to see the berg video. Its suck’s that you folded and remove the video, we have a right and need too know what is happening, and that means getting the cold hard truth. How can we ever make chang with out it.

    We must know the full story no matter how bad or good, or you can just be like CNN.

    PS. put the vid back thanks Bukvi

  7. Keith avatar

    This is my first time I have been to your site I got turn on to it by a friand to see the berg video. Its suck’s that you folded and remove the video, we have a right and need too know what is happening, and that means getting the cold hard truth. How can we ever make chang with out it.

    We must know the full story no matter how bad or good, or you can just be like CNN.

    PS. put the vid back thanks Bukvi

  8. Keith avatar

    This is my first time I have been to your site I got turn on to it by a friand to see the berg video. Its suck’s that you folded and remove the video, we have a right and need too know what is happening, and that means getting the cold hard truth. How can we ever make chang with out it.

    We must know the full story no matter how bad or good, or you can just be like CNN.

    PS. put the vid back thanks Bukvi

  9. deveena avatar

    please can you please post the video of nick berg i know its not a pleasant video but some people are curious and would still like to see what happened

    p.s : plus all your other topics are lame the nick berg beheaded video is the only one that is actually interesting and attacts new visitors to your boring website.