Robert Fisk, Eamonn Dunphy, Tom Cooney on TV3's Agenda

Readers may remember this story from last month. Fisk had a quite a tantrum on Irish television.

Blog-Irish has the link to the video that some of my readers were looking for . You can watch the video here (7Mb MPEG)- it has to be one of the funniest pieces of television so far this year.

He also links to an article by Ian O’Doherty in the Irish Independent, he also finds the whole thing quite amusing. But then Ian is a big fan of Bill Hicks, like myself.






2 responses to “Robert Fisk, Eamonn Dunphy, Tom Cooney on TV3's Agenda”

  1. Tony avatar

    There was a great follow-up clip in similar vein on RTE when Limerick MEP John Cushanan was ambushed by Austrian MEP Hans Peter Martin, MEP who had filmed him milking the Strasbourg Friday scheme.

    Nothing is more delightful than seeing pompous people losing their rag when caught out.

  2. Gavin avatar

    Very true Tony, I listened to that show you talk about.