Irish blogger bash

Having attended one in Toronto recently…and a couple in London last year, I have yet to attend an Irish blog bash.

I have sounded out the idea with Dick O’Brien over at BSD – and he is keen as long as its on a Friday or Sunday. Friday night in Dublin suits me fine – even though I live in Cork lol (anyone put me up?).

So any Irish bloggers interested in attending a blog get together over the summer please leave a comment or drop me a mail. I will try and set a date that suits the maximum number of people. Dublin seems to most logical option since it is the hub of the transport network.

I am suggesting a Friday night sometime in late June or early July…

Irish bloggers in my blogroll are:

Karlin Lillington
Back Seat Drivers
Frank McGahon
Slugger O’Toole
Des Bishop
Bernie Goldbach
It Comes in Pints?
At What Cost?
Broken Irish
Broom of Anger
On Gaien Higashi Dori
Tony Allwright
David Havelin
Keith Gaughan
Justin Mason
Defiant Irish Woman
Tom Cosgrave
Sarah Carey
Da Berries
Irish Eagle
North Atlantic Skyline






23 responses to “Irish blogger bash”

  1. Keith Gaughan avatar

    I’ll be able to go to one this summer for the first time. College has pretty much put the a dampener on any of that kind of thing.

    Seeing the gatherings have all been held in Dublin till now, Cork* or Galway* might be a nice change.

    * And I’m not just suggesting that because I’d have somewhere to stay or anything… 🙂

  2. Gavin avatar

    I would prefer Cork also, but I think Dublin will end up being the most practical for most…

  3. Keith Gaughan avatar

    Ah, but the jackeens have to get out of the city every now and again. It’s good for them.

  4. Peter Nolan avatar

    How about Dublin on the 25th or 26th of this month? I’m in town then.

  5. Setsunai avatar

    Sounds like a great idea to me. Won’t be able to go myself though. Coming back from Tokyo would be a bit of stretch, whether to Dublin or Cork.

  6. Mick avatar

    I’m based in England, but am coming back home to the north periodically between now and August… We’re holidaying/working in Cork in the second week of August, so it might be possibity for us then.

    Otherwise (until they sort that atrocious road to Cork) Dublin is likely to remain favorite with me – I doubt we have a quorum for Belfast as a venue.

    If it’s this month, I have an invitation to a do in the north on or about the 28th. Otherwise I’ll try my best to fit in with what is decided.

  7. Frank McGahon avatar

    I wouldn’t mind dropping in but I can’t make any commitment until closer to the time.

    By the way: I’m guessing it might be a bit tricky for honorary Irish blogger, Emily (It comes in pints) seeing as she’s in Los Angeles!

  8. Gavin avatar

    Hehe, welll might as well invite everyone, whether they can make it or not is another question!

  9. Dick O'Brien avatar

    OK. I’m on for any weekend over the summer, except I’m in Spain between the 22nd of June and 7th of July. This probably clashes with Peter’s availability for a start. As for a location, Dublin would suit me best. Somewhere with food and drink maybe? Pints would probably go down well at an event like this. Perhaps a good approach would be to find a date on which the least amount of people are unavailable? Obviously we’re not going to get everyone, so for the next one we should aim to fit in those who couldn’t make it this time around.

    I’ll ask Jon and Paul if they’re on for it. I wonder if John Fay and Tony Allwright would be up for it? Both of them are Dublin based. Nice to see so many already expressing an interest.

  10. Frank McGahon avatar

    I am aware that Dublin’s greedy south-facing maw has gobbled up everything in sight in its ever-expanding sprawl, but has it really swallowed up Bray?

  11. Dick O'Brien avatar

    We swallowed Bray a long time ago, but it’s giving us a bit of indigestion.

  12. annette avatar

    Count me in also – apart from holliers in August, I’m around and would love to meet up!

  13. Tony Allwright avatar

    Good initiative, Gavin. You can count me in, date permitting. I would of course prefer a Dublin venue.

    I note that your above blogroll and your separate e-mail distribution do not include

    Mark Humphreys at or
    Antoine at

    For the sake of avoiding multiple people contacting the same bloggers with the same invitation, I would suggest that we appoint you to do the honours.

    We plebs would then add potential invitees as a Comment like this one. Once invited, you could then add them to the end of your above list.

  14. nutgroist avatar

    I’m not Irish but I’ve just moved to Dublin and I blog. Does that count?

  15. Diego avatar

    Sounds good to me! Add me to the Dublin crowd as well. 🙂

  16. walter avatar


    check out the following url…

    … it might prove useful for organizing a meetup.

  17. Gavin avatar

    Excellent response, Ill try and get a date and put it forward for people to decide.

  18. Dick O'Brien avatar

    Gavin, Jon says he’s up for it. I was talking to Karlin yesterday too. Technical problems have kept her away from the blog, but she said she’d be on for a get together.

  19. Gavin avatar

    I am putting July 10th out there as a provisional date, any thoughts?

  20. Dick O'Brien avatar

    10th is good for me.

  21. Carl Ross avatar

    And this is my homepage.

    Carl Ross o

  22. Peter Nolan avatar

    Any news on having an IRC or something open for the meeting, or will I just set up a blogger or wiki page myself?

  23. Gavin avatar

    Not sure about all that, feel free to set something up, not sure who will have laptops in tow.