Eminem and Kim viewed by each other

The press has spilled a lot of ink about Marshall and Kim’s story, the media have constantly displayed lots of details about their privacy, but probably the most objective and honest sentences can be found in Marshall and Kim’s own statements when they both talk about each other.
Eminem tells us that his relationship to Kim has been far from easy:

“Me and the missus, we go at it. It’s no secret, we’ve had our share of problems.”

Eminem has shared his problems and his frustrations about with his public. To people who reproach him to have talked about killing his baby’s mom in his songs his answer is:

“Look. I was pissed off!” That’s all I could say. I really felt that I wanted to do that shit. At one point in time, I really wanted to do that shit. For real.”

When Eminem is pissed off and feels really bad, he wants to shares his feelings of the moment with his audience.

Kim used to get mad at Marshall talking about killing her in his songs:

“ Kim used to get mad when I rapped about wanting to kill her. ”

When Kim reproached him to put her in his songs, he answered:

‘look if you piss me off when I’m writing a song, you might be in it.’

That rule also applies to anybody who will try to anger Marshall.

You might have heard a lot of cusswords and insults towards Kim in Eminem’s songs. But if Eminem puts her on a record, that also means that Kim is worth writing about her, even if the song expresses a lot of pain and anger.

“My baby’s mother put me through a lot of shit, so she’s worth a lot of songs.”

Eminem fans- female fans in particular- need to be very cautious when they start talking about Kim or Hailie, because they should know Marshall may not appreciate it at all:

“Just because I talk about my daughter and put her in my songs, or I say something about Kim in my songs, doesn’t give you the right or nobody else to talk about ’em and feel free to do so.”

Why use demeaning words against this woman, Kim, that you don’t even know? Many female fans have totally misinterpreted “97 Bonnie And Clyde” and “Kim”, ignoring that Marshall’s songs were both reconciliation attempts. Eminem clearly expressed it in the introduction to the lyrics of the songs in his book “Angry Blonde” which defines the context of each song.

The way Kim described Marshall is quite interesting too. She defines him a a “down to earth guy”, who really loves his fans:

“Marshall is just a down-to-earth guy. Neighbor kids always mob him to sign their shirt. He loves his fans. I look at him as Marshall- not as a famous person.”

Fame hasn’t altered Marshall’s simplicity and that’s also one reason why he is so much appreciated by his fans:

“We aren’t going around with diamond rings and fur coats. [Eminem] earned his money the hard way. His anger for his mother comes out in his songs. He owes her nothing.”

Kim eventually expressed what caused her a lot of pain: the nearly total exposure of her privacy:

Just because my husband is an entertainer, that does not mean that our personal business is for everyone’s entertainment purposes.”

Knowing that the invasion of the Mathers’ privacy has increased more and more (some people even managed to sell Eminem and Kim’s correspondance on ebay by putting their dirty noses in Eminem’s trash), the call towards fans to respect it is much more than an emergency call.






12 responses to “Eminem and Kim viewed by each other”

  1. chris avatar

    Well its true cause slim cusses her gives no one else to do so.from nigeria keeping it real…..love ur stuf slim

  2. Jay avatar

    Emine your fucken mad keep it real alwayz

    Jay 🙂

  3. daneisha avatar

    eminim i love your music and all i gotta say
    is if they dont like it dont listen to it!!
    shit its how you feel!! much love daneisha

  4. leah avatar

    i think eminem is right about that i think he should be
    able to get his daughter and he should come and live with me at 140 third street?

  5. leah avatar

    kim is bad at keeping a daughter and he should get full custacy

  6. Holly avatar

    I love Marshall!! I’m naming my son after you!

  7. chentelle collins avatar
    chentelle collins

    i love the song crazy in love i never heard a song that reminds me and other people of my own realationship

  8. chentelle collins avatar
    chentelle collins

    eminem i really dout you read these but in case you do i love the song crazy in love i never heard a song that reminds me and other people of my own realationship

  9. gaby avatar

    i think em is great and hes a really good father ta hailie and layne
    i love his new album specially mockingbird the song makes me cry em ur great i love u!!!!!
    gabz xxx

  10. AR avatar

    emeinem! i love the song “mockingbird” i cry eveytime i hear, because i feel i can relate in a
    a way, with all the problems that i have had with my husband! listening to it, makes me
    feel, that i can make in this world with my two little
    daughter, if i continue and continue to try harder and be a super parent!
    that is my only goal in life!your the best!

  11. michelle avatar

    w/e let them do there thing..they wanna be together then they
    schould…they wanna beat the crap outta eachother then they
    schould..w/e just watch when i get older…im takin rap to a whole
    new level..then all yous can write ur comments about me haha

  12. kerry avatar

    da ya own thing man fuck the rest who r da do da no u ????kim????or kids???? no they dnt keep it real xxxxxxxxxxxx