Dido and Eminem row over royalties

Singer Dido is said to have fallen out with rapper Eminem over payment of royalties.

Sky News reports that the star has begun court proceedings against the D12 frontman, claiming £1m after he sampled her song ‘Thank You’ for his hit ‘Stan’.

One insider is reported to have said that Dido had a lot to thank Eminem for, as ‘Stan’ helped catapult her to fame, while another said he was sure that the pair would resolve their differences.






3 responses to “Dido and Eminem row over royalties”

  1. leon avatar

    what an ungreatful bitch I didn’t evan know who the fuck that bitch was until after i heard stan i hope she gets fuck all but her lawers fees

  2. Grr avatar

    Erm excuse me. dido is my auntie and eminem gave her no self respect at all. he can only bitch about other celebs in his raps so that shows what a “great” artist he is.

  3. Edi avatar

    Hi, you’re so lucky that she’s your aunt!!! She is my favourite singer! She has the most beautiful voice! She would be still famous if eminem never even existed!