Google's fraud squad battles phantom clicks

I mentioned this story a while back, it seems that Google is trying its best to fight fraudulent ad clicking on its adsense program. As time goes on no doubt the clickers and the search engines will become much more sophisticated.

Google declined an interview for this report, citing the mandatory “quiet period” before its initial public offering, which is expected to raise $2.7 billion. But the company said in a statement that it has been “the target of individuals and entities using some of the most advanced spam techniques for years. We have applied what we have learned with search to the click fraud problem and employ a dedicated team and proprietary technology to analyse clicks.”






One response to “Google's fraud squad battles phantom clicks”

  1. TitAddiff avatar

    Just discovered a complete list of all marked down products at Amazon, sorted by category
    and % off, ranging from 50% off to 90% off (thanks Sonja for the effort).

    Actually I never thought Amazon would have articles with 90% off, but only in the category
    Electronics there are more than 3000 of them – look for yourself, the list is on
    or on
    (which is a blog of a woman who specializes in finding good deals at Amazon, like Britain’s “Jeanie”).