Ahern's staff knew of NIB 11 years ago

So Ahern might have known about the whole thing 11 years ago but did nothing about it. Why does that not surprise me. Wholescale theft of customers, outright robbery, and what’s done about it? Or what will be done about it….nothing I would predict.

And as for the ‘class act’ Flynn:

The Inspectors’ Report includes a “checklist” document signed by Beverley Cooper Flynn for an offshore investment of £160,000 in which the question is asked: Is the money declared?

The answer in her hand on the document is “yes and no” – leaving the clear message that both she and the bank were aware that it was “hot”.

But she is on holidays right now and is unavailable for comment. How convenient. Is anyone bothered that no executives are likely to be seen to be taken out of premises with handcuffs on? If this were any other country would the law not have to be seen to be enforced, with suspected thieves being arrested and charged?



