Al-Qaeda group 'beheads US man': Benjamin Vanderford?

Militants loyal to top al-Qaeda suspect Abu Musab al-Zarqawi have released a video which apparently shows a US citizen being beheaded in Iraq.
The man in the video – which appeared on an Islamist website – says he is from San Francisco.

Zarqawi’s militants have previously released footage of hostage beheadings.

But doubts have been expressed about the footage, which appears to have been heavily edited and may show a dead body being decapitated.

It is unclear if and when the man was taken hostage.

“I am from San Francisco, California,” says the young man in the video, who was dressed in a plain beige T-shirt as he sat on a chair in a dark room with his hands behind his back.

This seems like it will go on and on, no doubt the video and pictures will appear on many websites soon. I think watching one such video is more than enough. There is talk that one of the videos circulating may be a hoax. I have linked to it below.

For those of you who are interested you can watch the Benjamin Vanderford video here.

And if you are feeling particularly brave, watch the Murat Yuce video here.






11 responses to “Al-Qaeda group 'beheads US man': Benjamin Vanderford?”

  1. Gaylord Fokker avatar

    Looks like the rumors about it being a hoax have turned out to be true.

  2. Gavin avatar

    So it seems, he is being questioned by the FBI too.

  3. jimmy avatar

    is that murat yuce video authentic?

  4. Gavin avatar

    I believe it is authentic yes.

  5. Michael avatar

    yah theres some sick shits out here in AMERICA going to do stupid shit of course believeit if you want but telling yah they need a real trip to Iraq and get A REAL BEHEADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  6. Michael avatar

    oh Benjamin,post your message I wil will send you my email addy andwe can arrange the trip I PAY FOR IT, uhhuh!

  7. Michael avatar

    oh and by the way i wouldnt want to watch these beheadings anyways you guys they sick and just makes you want to do something to people they have no clue whots going on over there so behave if you watch it also found several palces to view em besides orgish but not into it so dont bother asking for no favors unless yah bring me an insurgents head for the addy

  8. Michael avatar

    oh and by the way Is there a officail website we can send emails to the whitehouse and our President to step it up over there maybe send more firepower and navy and troops to clean the mess up???????????????????
    they sure need too, im sick and tired of hearing about our soldiers getting sneaked attacked and bombed every other day HEY PEOPLE VOICE YOUR OPINIONS OUT THERE ARENT YOU TIRED OF IT TOO????????? Send more troops in to clena the shit out while we can

  9. Michael avatar

    oh and by the way Is there a officail website we can send emails to the whitehouse and our President to step it up over there maybe send more firepower and navy and troops to clean the mess up???????????????????
    they sure need too, im sick and tired of hearing about our soldiers getting sneaked attacked and bombed every other day HEY PEOPLE VOICE YOUR OPINIONS OUT THERE ARENT YOU TIRED OF IT TOO????????? Send more troops in to clena the shit out while we can

  10. Tony avatar

    hey benjamin !! i was wondering….where did u get that “koran song” on the tape? oh and its good! look authentic but u need to include militants like terrorists ..Ansar al-sunnah army…u can take there pictures or from the video and then paste it on the video and then put you in it!…well ok..peace

  11. michael layug avatar

    i wanna see everything in your video footage