A bloggin great idea

Since posts have been light, and my last few posts were deleted thanks to a server crash I wanted to try something out.

Could all the people who are currently reading this, yes you, please leave a comment. You don’t have to say anything outrageous, but if you want you can put where you live and how long you have been reading, and if you are really brave, how you came acrsoss this blog in the first place. Call it market research.

This entry shall remain the first entry for the next 7 days.

Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.






33 responses to “A bloggin great idea”

  1. Mary avatar

    Morning Gavin, Mary here, have been reading you for nearly a year now…Enjoy them especially when they set me thinking ๐Ÿ™‚ Dublin based

  2. Sergei avatar

    In Galway. Just stumbled in from Fistful of Euros, there from a link on my “home” BB.


  3. DC avatar

    Dublin. Probably from Backseatdrivers.

  4. Dick O'Brien avatar

    Well, I guess you know us already. I think we originally came across you via Karlin’s blog.

  5. niall avatar

    This is London calling. Probably got to this website via Voxpolitics then Tom Watson then here. Phew.

  6. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    I came accross your website through google. I was seaching something about censorship in music that had to do with Eminem…then I came to gavinsblog to post a comment…afterwards, i started writing some articles for gavinsblog and i enjoy it very much:)
    Gavin, I think that many ppl find you through google.


  7. Jacqui avatar

    Hi Gav

    Anything to help out ๐Ÿ™‚

    Best Jacqui

  8. Bernie avatar

    found it lodged between lines of graffiti in the men’s at the Irish Film Institute.

  9. Slowjoe avatar

    Hi, from London.

    Met you at the blogging bash in HoC, and again at the US embassy.

  10. Jim avatar

    From Chicago,

    Came across your blog from a link on the “Irish Eagle” blog. Hope this helps. I have been here a few times…Good luck…

  11. Peter Nolan avatar

    I wandered in via Internet Commentator.

    Dublin until the end of this week, then London again.

    I’m just looking for fights, so it seems like a good blog to come to.

    Did ye not finish Rubicon yet?

  12. Tony Allwright avatar

    Hi Gavin,

    Can’t remember how I first found you a year or so back, but have been popping in ever since. And of course we shared some pints at that webloggers pubnight you organized a month or so back.

    T o n y

  13. Harold avatar

    In Dublin.Rreading for the last few months and enjoy the points made, donโ€™t always agree ๐Ÿ™‚ Found through Karlinโ€™s links

  14. Tuesday avatar

    Ypsilanti, MI USA.
    I’m just outside Detroit and the ghetto neighbor of Ann Arbor – home of University of Michigan. Found you because I was looking for info on Sniper.

  15. Paul Rollo avatar

    Hi Gavin, based in Edinburgh, no idea how I came to find your site but it must have been about a year and a half ago when I started blogging myself. Since then you’ve been a daily read.

  16. Keith Gaughan avatar

    Sligo/Cork. I’ve been reading so long I can’t remember when I started, but it’s a long time anyway. At least a year or year and a half. Can’t remember how I found the site, but I think you might have linked to me, and I went and took a peek at yours.

    Any chance of updating my entry in your blogroll?

  17. C avatar

    A high-desert, smotheringly Republican [in the American sense], generally western area of the US. Reading for… a couple of years? Tho’ I’d misplaced you for a time but put you back in my regular reads a few months back. I probably came across you when I was looking for Irish blogs. Best wishes.

  18. william avatar

    Brighton, UK. Occasional reader for about six months. Can’t for the life of me remember what directed me to your site, though I’m pretty sure I came from another blog. Don’t always like everything you write, but that’s probably what makes me come back to visit.

  19. Gaylord Fokker avatar

    Hey there Gavin:

    Been reading for a few months. Friend of mine told me about this site at work one day.


  20. Nutgroist avatar

    Dublin. Found you from a list of Irish bloggers somewhere on the net, been reading since May I reckon. You’re one of the only remotely serious blogs on my blogroll which is a compliment, believe me.

  21. Deborah Branscum avatar
    Deborah Branscum

    Stockholm. I started reading your fun-to-read blog after you foolishly linked to something in my now-dead weblog. ๐Ÿ™‚ Dunno how long it’s been.


  22. Luke avatar

    Just came to your site from raglanroad. Japan at the minute. Might come back, who knows. I’m just browsing links right now.

  23. Annie avatar

    Hi Gavin,
    I’m still in Maryland. I’ve been popping in ever since you told me about your blog at the very beginning. Looking forward to another pint with you next time I’m in Ireland!

  24. joanne avatar

    I’m in Belfast. Only been reading for a few months, and found you from a search on Bill Hicks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Ingrid avatar

    Dorset, England and found you in Clive Soley MPs sidebar about 4-6 months ago. I’m always impressed by your writings and what takes your interest especially because you are only 23 years old and a real cutie pie too. Imagine all the stuff that will have gone into your brain by the time you are 46. Heh. Have fun Gavin — you are only young once.

  26. annette avatar

    Hi Gavin, greetings from the capital! (the real one…) come to think of it, Im not sure how I found you at all…mmm

  27. Mike avatar

    From Lake in the Hills (NW of Chicago). Just followed the link on Roger’s blog. A year, maybe? Enjoyable reading!


  28. MarkW avatar

    I’m a anti-Steyn and anti-Aaronovitch letter writer.

    Enjoyed the Fisk/Cooney interview.

  29. Sheila avatar

    from Canada, Toronto area, a couple years ago maybe, we chatted a few times…your page/blog was still evolving…I still stop by every now and then to see what you are having to say ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. misty avatar

    junior at NAU in Arizona’s high desert who followed a link from Irish Typepad.

  31. Michael avatar

    Dhahran S Arabia.
    First read you during the Gray libel action.

  32. Setsunai avatar

    Tokyo. Through Backseat Drivers initially.

  33. trish avatar

    I’m still in Vancouver and it’s been a couple years now hasn’t it? I have no idea how I stumbled here in the first place.