New look and software

I have taken the plunge and put my WordPress installation on my frontpage. I hope everyone likes it!

Thanks to all that left comments after the post last week, I now have an idea how many regular readers there are. And it’s much more than I expected. 33 comments in 7 days, who would have thought?

Posting has been lacking lately – but back to normal now.






8 responses to “New look and software”

  1. annette avatar

    Hi Gavin – I love the new look – nice one!

  2. Gavin avatar

    Thanks Annette 🙂

  3. Frank McGahon avatar

    Looks great, well done!

  4. Peter Nolan avatar

    It does look very good, but at first glance, at 7.30 this morning, it seemed that biro was going to take my eye out.

    Is the blogroll set to randomise the order in which people appear? I seem to be moving up and down every time I refresh.

  5. Gavin avatar

    Thanks Frank, and yes Peter all the links are set to random.

  6. niall avatar

    Very nice indeed. But where’s the gigantic picture of your gorgeous self? Not using the net to pull anymore?

  7. Peter Nolan avatar

    I love this random re-ordering. Refreshing keeps me occupied for hours.

  8.  avatar

    Yeah man, random reorganising keeps me entertained for just, like, hours!