Beach in Dubai

This is one of the many beaches in Dubai, but one of the public ones. Many of the hotels own private beaches where you pay for entry etc.

You can get a lovely view of the skyscrapers on Sheikh Zayed Road from the beach.

Sheikh Zayed Road view from beach

Here are the lovely clear, and very warm waters of the Persian Gulf:

Persian Gulf







3 responses to “Beach in Dubai”

  1. reza avatar

    i am iranian
    i want to live in dubai, please help me

  2. div avatar

    Why do ppl from iran leave their country and move out. a genuine question

  3. abdul avatar

    Hey div, it’s not only Iranian that leave their country and move out for a better life. Have you check Dubai ? how many nationalities are working there ? you can ask the brits, american, european, asian people working in Dubai, why they leave their country and went to Dubai ? It’s all with the money! M O N E Y …