A daddy who gets involved in his daughter's school life

Despite the fact that he is always very busy, Eminem takes times to really get involved in Hailie’s daily life. For those who doubted it, Marshall really loves kids and it even happens that he travels with the kids when they’re doing a school trip, which allows him to spend more time with Hailie:

‘ In school, when they have plays and field trips, I don’t miss them. Even if I’ve got to deal with craziness. ‘

I sometimes wish my youngest son was a pupil in Hailie’s class. Can you imagine that the famous rapper takes time to read books to the class?

‘ Last year I went and read to the class. Two books. It was reading month or something. ‘ (Eminem)

Eminem doesn’t play the ‘ role of a good father ‘. He doesn’t have to. Facts talk by themselves. Hailie is one of the luckiest daughters in the world, because her father always finds time for her despite his always busy and hectic schedule.

Marshall never misses an occasion to show his love and dedication to his little girl. He is definitely not the bad person some people keep thinking he is.






29 responses to “A daddy who gets involved in his daughter's school life”

  1. lydia avatar

    were did you get this information from?

  2. lydia avatar

    i mean “where”….sorry

  3. lydia avatar

    marshall schreibt man m-a-r-s-h-a-l-l und nicht m-a-r-s-h-e-l…

  4. kateryn avatar

    you just have to look and hear the way he talks and treats his daughter to know how much he cares

  5. ghhgjhgjghj avatar

    if theres any eminem fans in here….


    go here. it’s a new eminem book they wanna publish to silence the critics. e-mail them with your name age location, why you like eminem and how he changed your life. they need 200,000 signatures for it to be published.

  6. Shady avatar

    That’s right!Hailie’s my girl,and I spend as much time as I can with her.I was even the sub for her English class.That was interesting.The only words I knew were kat and dawg!!!Ha ha!

  7. ghhgjhgjghj avatar

    shady shut the fuck up everyone can tell you’re not eminem

  8. Shady avatar

    You know what!Your gettin on my fuckin nerves!What’s your address asshole.I’ll fuck you up!You obviously don’t know shit about Shady!Cause I am Shady bitch!!!

  9. angel avatar

    u really need to get a fuckin life u fuckin saddo, iz dat all u do, pretend ur eminem U FICKSHIT 2 piss ppl off? ok den if ur eminem, den wots d name of his skool wen e woz younga?

  10. angel avatar

    neway i think that eminem is a brilliant dad hu is really great wit kids

  11. wouldn't u like 2 no?! :S avatar

    i agree with angel prove to us ur eminem and wat would he be doing wasting his time in this website with us he would probably be far to buzy and plus sub for an english class please how dum do ya think we r?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  12. LEILA avatar


  13. McKenzie avatar

    my kinda friend said your daughter hailie jade hates you(not true) because your are always working!!!! well shit he know NOTHEN about you!! in least I know some shit about you shady!!


  14. mcKenzie avatar

    does NOBODY like this place or something??????

  15. rabia avatar

    hey eminem and hailie thiz mail iz 4 u 2
    the thing iz that i think i already have send u a mail bout thiz topic
    well if i didn’t ill tell u right now
    1 of my friends hates ur lil angel soo much that she made fun off her in my skool
    she said that hailie iz soo f**kin gaylord mother f**ker and a les and i’m like how iz she
    gay motherf**ker and a les and my friend iz like ohh cuz eminem made a gurl have a lil lady and he was not even married
    and she iz a motherf**ker angel and a bi**h and she sended me ur lil lady pic i said that god damn she iz a angel and cute
    and she like HELL NOOO SHEZ UGLYY LIKE A JERK and said that ur poor and u ppl need get a life 2 u eminem
    but wht i think is that ur hailie is damn pretty and i am not lyin’ soo if u have any thin’ 2 say e-mail me at
    t-park_angel_gurl01@hotmail.com or rabia_girl@msn.com and also can u send me ur autograph and ur pic and hailie that iz taken in 2005 plz

    and also she made fun of her in fallingbrook middle skool and my friend didn’t c ur angel and shez makin fun off her almost every time i see her coz she noez that ur 1
    of or u r my fave rapper

    and also wher do u ppl get these info coz i nevea heard these stuff and eny 1 can send me e-mail

  16. rabia avatar

    *****my bad i meant where do u get these info***** sry

  17. isabella avatar

    i love ya eminem and halie u rock my world ur the best rapper!!!

  18. rabia avatar

    eminem i luv uuuuuuuu ur so hot and hailie ur angel is sooooooooooooo cute me and ma friend talk bout ur angel not shit gud stuff bye well u noe my e-mail

  19. laura avatar

    LEILA maybe u can give me eminems adress?????? plzz…

  20. C.J Bone_69 avatar
    C.J Bone_69

    I feel that Em needs to get credit where credit is due like with his daughter. There’s one guy that would give up everything he has to spen time his even if it means getting involve with Hailie schooling I give him mad respects. Like the tattoo says on his arm Bonnie & Clyde stick together like glue literly.

  21. dallas567 avatar

    i dont think anyone should fucking say anything bad about hailie because i bet u guys dont know barly anything about her. i would kill if my dad cared about me that much and and would spend time with me!

  22. Nathan avatar

    If I kow were Hailie lived I’ed vised her every day after school.

  23. xxxjennaxxx avatar

    eminem is ace he is minted hes a born winner.if this is his site or isnt so fuk eminem rules no matta wot anyone says you go eminem xxxxxxxx

  24. Jennie avatar

    Dear everbody

    Love You Mr Em;) haha, hope you comming to Sweden when you are healthy…haha

    Love you Eminem and I love Hailie too:D

    p.s. if any eminem fan have hes address, cane you give me that?

    you cane add me on my msn, it is…


  25. kayla avatar

    hey peoples if you are wandering what eminems address is he dousn’t have one but his daughter does it is alaina mathers her email address is parygirl_lainie@hotmail.com k goodbye

  26. Emma avatar

    Not that i hate shady or shit its just he seems so….gross, sexy,but gross nad i really think even though kim was a druggie she shoulda gotten custody of haily because honestly im scared hed probaly like rape her or sumin lyke dat

  27. someone avatar

    why would eminem rape his little girl thats his kid he loves her as his child he dosent think of her as a sexy hoe shes only like 12 or 11 years old man that person who rote that is just deadly ever who said that your dad probly raped you but eminem would NEVER do that to hailie jade shit get it throught your thick head

  28. Alayna avatar

    i love eminem he is so kool and i think his probly a good father to hailie and a good uncle to alaina ohh ya for the person who said that alaina(lannie) has e-mail i dont think she does cause there are some pplz who pretend to be eminem and alaina and nathan and hailie you know what i mean mang that person up there who sai they are eminem are so stupid oh yea and i think hailie jade was born on march 25 1995 i dont think it was december 25 1996 or 1995 so yea bye:)

  29. _^$L!^^_$h@Dy_^ avatar

    if you have eminem’s or hailie’s e mail adress would you please tell it to me.
    My email is brooclynko@hotmail.com
    Hailie is a beautiful angel,and you Eminem are the greatest reper in the whoile world.