Ireland ranked best place to live in the world

The BBC is reporting on a new report by the Economist, which concludes that Ireland is the best place to live in the world. The top ten are :

1 Ireland
2 Switzerland
3 Norway
4 Luxembourg
5 Sweden
6 Australia
7 Iceland
8 Italy
9 Denmark
10 Spain

The UK is ranked 29th, while the US is ranked 13th. I shall have to get a copy of the “World in 2005” report.






21 responses to “Ireland ranked best place to live in the world”

  1. Ireland Named Best Place to Live
    BBC News reports on an Economist poll that says Ireland is the best place in the world to live. BBC News: Ireland Named Best Place to Live via Gavin at Gavin’s…

  2. niall avatar

    This is surely a joke?? No disrespect, gavin, but Ireland can in no way be described as anything other than a “nice place”… But the panel must be fucking loons if Australia made it into the top hundred, let alone the top ten. My vote goes to Norway.

  3. Jennifer avatar

    I agree wholeheartedly with this result, aside from the fact that inorder to enjoy a habiutal puff on a ciggarette, one must stand in the street, come rain or shine……………?
    The Irish people more than make up for this small obstacle to social fulfilment!!!!

  4. Gavin avatar

    All too true Joanne, but I do understand Niall’s scepticism 🙂

  5. Jennifer avatar

    Gavin……………..or should I call you Guy???
    Actually, I posted this under my screen name of ‘Jennifer’ but I suppose one could easily mistake me for a ‘Joanne’……….
    Methinks that you have ‘screen-eye-itus’ in that you are rushing to ensure that this blog is TOP in terms of desirability and responses………..SQL needs a bit of a boot up the backside but then Niall’s precise descritive of the panel may hide a personal issue regarding those down under………..I think that the Australians retain a sense of humor (the Fosters Ads alone are worth their weight in gold!!!!!)
    Since we are to be married, don’t you think that you should atleast TRY and get me name correct in terms of pronunciation AND spelling????!!!!!!

  6. niall avatar

    Is that a freshly-boiled bunny I smell?

  7. Jennifer avatar

    Nice to know that manners are still not the most desirable commodity to everyone!!!
    It’s a bit of fun Nail, nothing more…………wordplay for those whom cannot sleep (in my case)
    Less of the sarcasm, thanks!!

  8. niall avatar

    No problem, joanne.

  9. jwalker avatar

    That is to say I, as one of those living in ireland over four years should be more than proud, or should I? with the prices sky high and infrastructures the same as or worse than third world countries…?

  10. Mark Walker avatar
    Mark Walker

    Well we came over to Ireland from the UK in Febuary through work. We like it so much we are now moving here.
    The people for a start a much more friendly than they are back in the UK. The county is very much up and coming unlike the UK which seems to be self destructing.
    Football fans find watching the match more important than trying to beat each other up. You can have the excitement of Dublin City or enjoy the fantastic surrounding
    country side.

  11. buzz avatar

    hey who ever 2 u all are but hey irelands da best place EVER!!!!nd norway nd switzerland nd all dem uder places r shit cuz i toured Europe

  12. faith avatar

    in responce to what niall said you are sooo wrong! ireland is the best place to disrespect niall! but norway! i dont think soooo

  13. theadore avatar

    hey buzz how u doin wat u up 2?

  14. b1ffster avatar

    Sort yer DSL out. Get some other providers then speak to me 🙂
    Ireland is nice but I grew up in an antipodean country and my dad said “beware the Irish! They’re mad as f**c”
    Dunno why. Dunno how. But having been on a holiday there I guess I’ll take his advice 🙂

    Peace Out.

  15. Davion avatar

    I So say NOrway shud get it i mean its cool beautiful nice people people live long there and the rate of death is ranked the lowest in the world so i say Norway!

  16. mike avatar

    not surprising. timing is everything. I personally am not surprised at all. I have lived in both Canada and Ireland. Canada is experiencing much social, cultural and ecomonic difficulty at this time. Canada’s ‘golden time’ was the 50’s and early sixties. (read the history books) Canada’s consistent high ranking is duplicitous. Trust me those doing the rankings have never seen Toronto’s inner ghettos. They are as bad as anywhere and equally violent.

    Ireland on the other hand is experiencing the much heralded post war boom beginning in the 70’s. For Ireland this wealth and education combined with a healthy respect for tradition, family, culture, spiritual values etc makes it the best country in the world to live. As Canada was in 1964-70. I hope Ireland perpetuates the positive and survives the affluent cycle.

  17. Andy avatar

    I’ve come from the UK to live in Ireland and I have to agree it’s the best place to live, especially if you have a family and work in IT. I earn approx twice what I did in the UK and am self employed.
    Prices are not that much worse than the UK, tax is WAAYYY less than in the UK. There’s hardly any chavs here, you don’t feel intimidated walking the streets.
    Yes the infrastructure sucks, but that can be an advantage if you like to live a quiet life out in the country and don’t mind sitting in traffic for an hour every morning 🙂
    The Irish have a habit of moaning about how bad the place is but I’ve been to quite a few countries now and this place is the bees knees IMHO.
    If there’s one Godforsaken hellhole on Earth…it’s the UK.
    Norway is heavily reliant on it’s oil & gas business which is doomed to end in a decade or so and jobs are hard to come by there, also if you think prices are bad here you should try taking a look at Norway 😉

    Iceland is a great place indeed, but again, try getting a job there.

  18. raven avatar

    i agree that ireland is the best place to live and that the UK is a hellhole. ireland pays pretty well and its got great sights.

  19. taz avatar

    well, certainly agree with Andy´s comments on the UK ! I think he just about gets it right. Have only lived in Northern Ireland for a year which I thought was great – especially the people. Can´t comment on Eire but have lived in Spain for 7 years and it is definitely one of the top places in the world to live – can´t be sure if it IS the best as I have not been to Canada which everyone I talk to says is the beesknees so sounds like a tossup between Spain, USA and Canada to me. One thing is for sure – the UK is a hell hole.
    Personally, did the only thing possible and voted with my feet a long time ago. Sure ain´t goin´back !

  20. david avatar

    Spain can in no way outrank the US. I lived there for two years and it was not even comparable.
    -People lived in tiny apartments
    -No one could afford anything
    -Kids in Spain begged me for bread
    -The medical system was inadequate at best
    -People were generally cold and arrogant