Praise indeed

Jaysus there are alot more Irish bloggers out there than I thought – and they all manage to remain fairly hidden because they don’t seem to link to the rest of the Irish ones. Alot of us do use Technorati – it is now a much more reliable service than it used to be. So if you are an Irish blogger – let us all know you exist by linking to us. The Irish blogging community will continue to grow, god knows how many there will be this time next year.

And I really didn’t expect this kind of comment. I am not that big a celebrity am I? LOL.






6 responses to “Praise indeed”

  1. Caoimhe avatar

    Never let me be accused of exaggeration !!

  2. David Sifry avatar

    Thanks for the compliment! We’re working hard to keep the service useful to you…


  3. Gavin avatar

    Is that really Dave Sifry? LOL. Did a trace route and it was in San Fran on ATT network. What a small blogosphere.

  4. Anna avatar

    Irish bloggers may not link to each other much, but there have actually been quite a few Dublin livejournal meet-ups – complete with nametags! Of course, LJ fosters direct communication more than a lot of other blogging software.

  5. Gavin avatar

    So I heard – a shame theres not more cooperation between LJs and bloggers.