More new blogs

Yet more Irish blogs new on the scene:

Richard Delevan’s sicNotes

…and I should note non-Irish bloggers that added me to their blogrolls:

Jon Smith, who I found this very interesting, and insightful, milblog through. He appears to be a tank commander who served in Fallujah.






4 responses to “More new blogs”

  1. LoopDiLoop avatar

    thanx for the link. but loopdiloop is actually three years old in a couple of weeks. the blogger blog is anbout six months old, and before that there was a foneblog version of it hosted elsewehere, for about a year.

  2. fmk avatar

    you’ve got some sort of error going on on your sommenting system when you submit a comment. try replicated it youself and see if you get anything. i’m getting a repeated “cannot add header” message once i submit

  3. Gavin avatar

    I upgraded to WP 1.2.2 yesterday so this may be causing some issues. It did appear from your blog that you have been on a long time, though you only appeared on my radar when you linked to me 🙂

  4. Jonathan avatar

    Thanks for the mention! Armor Gedden is a fantastic blog, isn’t it?