Irish Bloggers Party…

I am not sure how well publicised this event is, but following the comments received it seems best to go for the 15th. Unfortunately this means that Mick, Barry and Treasa will not be there – but I hope blog get togethers like this become more frequent than bi-annual.

As for venue I suggest the Market Bar, Dublin, Ireland, like last time, it has Wifi for those of you who want to use it, and no music for those of us who want to chat about blogging, oh and it has a BAR too, for those of you who might want to get sloshed (like me). I did get the yellow jersey last time, so who can beat me this time? Shall we say around 7? Email me if you need a contact number, if you don’t know anyone personally!

The Market Bar is located off George’s Street on Fade Street, just down from Hogan’s. It’s the red brick building.

How many takers? Please leave a comment or drop me mail, so we can have an idea of numbers…

Update: I’ve sent out a bunch of mails to all the Irish bloggers I could find, and I know I’ve missed some – if you know anyone who might be interested let them know, everyone is welcome, including the couple of readers who drop by! πŸ™‚






22 responses to “Irish Bloggers Party…”

  1. Bernie avatar

    I need to connect with a train at 1825 so I’ll be there at 4PM.

  2. Peter Buckley avatar

    HI Guys,
    Many thanks for the invite, and I’d love to go and meet you all there but My Dad’s Birthday is on that day and I will be out of Dublin.
    But Please Put my Name down for meet up’s that are more frequent maybe every month?
    Again Many thanks.

  3. Tom Raftery avatar

    Thanks for the invite Gavin. I’d love to go but I am based in Cork so I won’t be able to make it. Keep me in mind for the next events though. Cheers, Tom.

  4. janine avatar

    thanks for the invite gavin.
    i’m not sure of my plans yet but i will try and drop in for a 7up πŸ™‚ it would be good to put some faces to blogs!

  5. Jonathan Brazil avatar

    Hi Gavin,

    Thanks for the invite. Sadly I won’t be able to make it up to Dublin; based in Waterford. Have a good one though. If ye’re ever organising something down DΓ©ise way then keep me in mind.


  6. Caoimhe avatar

    What is the agreed date then?

  7. Caoimhe avatar

    Oh, now I bothered to read the post I understand, I can make it for a couple of hours anyway
    so count me in.

  8. Gavin avatar

    I’m based in Cork too! lol

  9. Tony Mulqueen avatar

    Will try to make it along from South Wicklow ….

  10. Treasa avatar

    Hi Gavin,
    sorry I can’t make it – as it happens, I’m going to be down in Cork this weekend…;-) anyways have fun and no doubt I’ll hook up with you all at some other point in the future…

  11. Bob Samules avatar

    will try to be free

  12. Dick O'Brien avatar

    Should be able to make it alright. Not sure about my co-bloggers, but I’ll spread the word.

  13. invites aplenty
    first up, gavin is kindly organising an irish blog meetup. i know this has been mentioned on other blogs but i’m just doing my bit by alerting my 2 readers πŸ™‚ i’m going to try and pop along myself for…

  14. John avatar

    Can’t make it, unfortunately.

  15. Daragh Mc Grath avatar

    Hey Guys,

    Yeah, I will try and make it along too, though at this stage, Saturday is a long way off for me and plans as always are subject to change! Anyways, will see ye there if I make it along, and I’ll spread the word amongst a few other Irish bloggers out there!

  16. niall avatar

    I will be dodging drive-bys and smoking crack in Limerick. Would be nice at some point to put faces to names, but perhaps another time.

  17. Twenty Major avatar

    Dear Gavin,

    thank you very much for the kind invitation but sadly I won’t be able to make it. I’m washing my beard.

    Maybe another time.



  18. Keith Gaughan avatar

    Work conspires to keep me from going. Suckage. πŸ™

    So, when’s one of these Bloggers’ Parties going to happen in Cork? It must be done!

  19. laura avatar

    hi gavin,
    sorry, can’t make the drinks, but hope everyone going has a great night!
    happy drinking/chatting!
    any celebs going Gavin? πŸ™‚

  20. John avatar

    Hi Gavin,
    great idea – alas, I won’t be able to make it.

  21. Donncha avatar

    Great! I find out about it at 1:23am on Sunday morning. Doh! Still, I couldn’t make it as my Saturday had been booked up for several weeks in advance already! Hope you had a good night!

  22. rudiger avatar

    stumbled across this site one one of my frequent searches for thing i dont understand though, what is blogging and how and why is it done?