St. Patrick's Day

And a happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone out there in the blogosphere!






5 responses to “St. Patrick's Day”

  1. `tea avatar

    Slainte! 🙂

  2. Caoimhe avatar

    many happy returns Gavin

  3. Peter Nolan avatar

    Enjoy it! I didn’t go to the big celebration in Trafalgar Square this year because that gobshite Livingstone was organising it for his greater glory and I’m finding him increasingly intolerable for his history of supporting the Provos – even in the mid eighties when they were killing Londoners and MPs – and his more recent Jew-baiting.

  4. tatty bogle avatar

    Nice to see all Ireland celebrating the birthday of a Scotsman St Patrick keep it up

  5. Darren avatar

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t St Patrick the son of a Roman guard? Granted he was born in Scotland but that doesnt make him Scottish.