Irish Cinema Set to Go Digital First

This is interesting news. Not only that but it got Slashdotted. I have read about the advent of digital cinema for some time, what amazes me is the sheer scale of the files.

Cinemas using the technology will be able to download the latest releases to a computer server via satellite at a lower cost.

That would have to be one quick connection, I think these films are really really big files.

I will be glad to see the back of flickers and scratches on the reels. Now if only someone would invent something for getting people not to talk during a film.







2 responses to “Irish Cinema Set to Go Digital First”

  1. Bernie avatar

    One unusual fact with this announcement is that it trails the launch of the Irish company by nearly seven months and it looks like there are no multi-screen Irish cinemas running with the technology yet. I wonder what’s taking so long?

  2. David Kelly avatar

    “Now if only someone would invent something for getting people not to talk during a film.” – Gavin

    “There’s nothin’ like a good piece of hickory” – Clint