De Telly

Following in the footsteps of fellow-poster, Uncle Anthony, I will be appearing on RTE’s Big Bite on Tuesday. It is hosted by David McWilliams. Anthony was asked to go on to talk about Charles J. I have been asked to come on to talk about blogging. It appears that Richard, Caoimhe and Mick will be there too.

Update: Richard could be right, it might not be broadcast on the day of recording, but I will blog the time as soon as I can confirm it.

Update: Richard has confirmed it will be broadcast on Tuesday (schedule permitting).






12 responses to “De Telly”

  1. damien avatar

    when does the blogging show air? please copy reply to email, thanks 😉

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    I think its 2.30pm…

  3. damien avatar

    4 April 2.25pm, RTE1
    Repeated Tue 5 April 8.10 am (approx), RTE1

  4. jk avatar

    As much as David McWilliams irritates me, I’ll definitely be tuning in to check you guys out 🙂

  5. Peter Nolan avatar

    Is it phone in? It would preserve the blogging spirit if I could call in and shout at youse.

  6. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Not a phone in im afraid Peter..

  7. Young Irelander avatar

    Congratulations Gavin! I will definitely be tuning in. Don’t forget to get in the obligatory cheap plug 😉

  8. Caoimhe avatar

    Ah Gav, you’ll come to the big smoke for Dave but not for me?! You media whore..;op

    Enough with the promotion…….I still have to get a job after I graduate!!!!! I’m doubting my performance will be one to add to the CV!

  9. Richard Delevan avatar

    The blog segment’s being taped, so it may not run on Monday. If I get something more definitive over the weekend I’ll email you.
    Also, I believe that if people who want to ask questions email: before Monday 11 am, some of those comments/questions might make it in.

  10. Dick O'Brien avatar

    Jon’s going to be on it too.

  11. Moriarty avatar

    Good work. I look forward to it.

  12. Bernie Goldbach avatar

    Have you ever searched Google’s 1.2m images for “Irish bloggers”?