Dress down to save Japan, PM says

I have to hand it to them, it is a good idea.

Japan’s prime minister plans to dress down this summer, and wants millions of Japanese office workers to do the same. Junichiro Koizumi is asking workers to cast off their collars and ties in a national effort to use less energy on air conditioning. To show how serious he is, Mr Koizumi has ordered government ministers to shed their suits to set an example. Japan often endures hot, humid summers, forcing offices and bars to ramp up air-conditioning systems.







5 responses to “Dress down to save Japan, PM says”

  1. John Kushiner avatar

    This is exactly the kind of thing Benjamin Franklin would have suggested if he had been around to deal with air-conditioning.
    He was very keen on being frugal with his money and devised all sorts of simple and easy to implement ways (like dressing down) to save money.
    It’s widely thought that he is responsible for the daylight savings time idea – his reasoning was that it would save on the amount of candles that were used during the winter time.

    Good post Gavin!

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    I think the Japs have it right, its like turning off your monitor rather than leaving it in standby – every little helps.

  3. Plus size dresses avatar

    Haha….wear bikini and lingerie to office during summer in Japan. That will be awesome.