Another Irish blog get-together?

Is it that time again? It was suggested back in January that we make Irish blog-bashes a quarterly event – and its almost June now. I am putting it out there for discussion, since in that time the Irish blog community has increased in size dramatically, and aggregators like POTB and have been formed, perhaps now is a good time to suggest meeting some of the people behind the blogs.

The first event was quite a success, last July in the Market Bar in Dublin – at least a dozen people turned up which was quite good considering how geographically dispersed some of us are. January’s was a lot smaller, with many people cancelling at the last minute.

So let’s put it out there…

Late June? Weekend? Dublin? Market Bar? Get pissed?

Anyone interested?

PS its, is not exactly about blogs.






14 responses to “Another Irish blog get-together?”

  1. Dick O'Brien avatar

    I’m up for it alright. I ought to be free at least one or two weekends around then.

  2. that girl avatar

    Hi Gavin – I was thinking the same thing particularly if all us non-tech-speak people could come out of hinding as well! I may still be looking for public places to have a shower, do my laundry and eat if my kitchen and bathroom aren’t installed by that stage! I’m not around the last couple of weekends in June but how about 2 July?

  3. Markham avatar

    I’m in. Us non-techies have to stick together.

  4. Tom Raftery avatar

    It is probably a bit soon but the business blogging event in Cork on June 9th might be a good event to tie in with.

    Several well known bloggers will be there.


  5. WindsandBreezes avatar

    Late June DUB sounds okay to me…should be around this time.

  6. John avatar

    How about Galway…? That way, I can walk to it, and stagger home from it…

  7. Richard Delevan avatar

    Market Bar good. Gooooood. Saturday 25th June?

  8. Cloud avatar

    Sounds good.

  9. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Tom, I just cant see the numbers coming to Cork. Its 19 May now, so is 5 weeks enough notice for everyone. Two dates have been suggested, 25th June and July 2nd – how do people feel about these dates?

  10. janine avatar

    “Us non-techies have to stick together” – sounds a bit cliquey – is it ok for semi-techies to join in too? 😉
    i’d hope to drop in for a bit – both dates ok for me at the mo but my life ain’t planned 5 weeks in advance 🙂

  11. barry avatar

    a get together sounds okay, why don,t we all gang up on that Bird who was on the telly slagging off male bloggers and beat the shit out of her, just an idea, pass it around mull over it awhile you might like it.

  12. niall avatar

    If I’m over that weekend, me and the bird will pop up for some pints. Haven’t been to dublin for a good few years so provides an excellent excuse.

    Now, can someone provide me with some suitably swanky hotels in which to perpetrate a weekend of bloody debauchery?

  13. Colm avatar

    Can I come?

    Janine, I’m a semi-Borg as well. We can hang out next to the knitting group.

  14. janine avatar

    sounds good colm – since i have recently come out of the closet as a crafter, i can have a foot in both camps! :p