I will be tweaking and adding things for quite a while, I must say it is interesting to start a new weblog after running this one for so long! I expect it to take a good few weeks before the weblog resembles what I want it to look like. I have moved the domain to simply

This is while I figure out how to install Drupal, it’s definately not as easy as WordPress.






2 responses to “”

  1. Peter Nolan avatar

    I think it would be better to do it anonymously Gavin, rather than trying to become the Veronica Guerin of the blogosphere. However, they’d probably get Colin F to play you in the movie of your life.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Feck that feckin feckin colin feckin farell the feckin jackin feckin bollix feckin arse gob shite feckin eejit