I do love blogging

A blogger, either Georgian or of Georgian descent, living in Germany, so impressed with my coverage of Georgian politics was kind enough to leave a comment on my blog.

In turn I had a browse around, despite my lack of German. I find some lovely photos of Georgia, and this fascinating study into the just completed BTC pipeline.

Isn’t the blogosphere wonderful?







5 responses to “I do love blogging”

  1. Ralph Hälbig avatar

    Thank You, Gavin!

    Regards from Germany.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    You’re welcome Ralph!

  3. Ralph Hälbig avatar

    Hi Gavin,

    here I found a long text in the internet about the Contested Borders in the Caucasus


    I hope it is interesting for you.

    Regards, Ralph.

  4. Hi Gavin avatar

    just wanted to inform you about my new blog http://caucasus-blogspot.com with photos AND stories. I have lived for three years in Georgia and am married to a georgian girl.
    Please link my site to yours – I will do the same!



  5. Rappo avatar

    Hennings Adresse hat einen kleinen Fehler: http://caucasus-pictures.blogspot.com/

    Regards Rappo