
Made it back down south…






6 responses to “Back”

  1. Twenty Major avatar

    Didn’t you have any interesting experiences on the way back down? While we do appreciate you keeping us up to date with your departures and arrivals I want a bit more, Gavin.

    No pressure though.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Ah sure I’ll get round to that at some point twenty

  3. Twenty Major avatar

    I wait with baited breath, sir.

  4. that girl avatar

    Wonder where twenty was on Saturday night huh?

  5. Tommy avatar

    Wonder where twenty was on Saturday night huh?

    At a wedding, it was crap apparently.

  6. Maura avatar

    So, where are the details, the photos, the blog entries about the party? 😉