Make my day

Dick O’Brien notes the odd picture on the front of the Irish Times today. What the hell is he doing pointing a gun at someone? Was the photographer crazy for asking him, or maybe he only put the camera in the line of fire? Always point a gun at the ground, loaded or not.

Interesting that the IT staffers named the JPEG ‘Make my day’, at least O’Dea seems happy with his first cabinet post 🙂






4 responses to “Make my day”

  1. simon avatar

    I think it is just riducles. They are making a mountain out of a molehill. Would they say the same if he was standing in a tank. If that was the only problam today it would be a great country. This over shadowed the estimates. crazy

  2. niall avatar

    Let’s be fair, what kind of an eejit politician poses looking down the barrel of a handgun??? Looks like a rather ineffectual attempt to make him more “street”. Even if that were not the intention, dont you feel politicians should have a little more nous and realise the way people might react?

  3. world of warcraft gold(wow gold) avatar

    world of warcraft gold(wow gold)

  4. The Cat avatar

    Nice to see that Ireland has a Secretary of Defense who knows how to deal with paparazzi.