Kissinger on Merkel

Henry Kissinger will be delighted to learn of Angela Merkel’s swearing in as Germany’s first woman Prime Minister. He writes of her in the IHT:

With her systematic scientist’s approach, Merkel will avoid choosing between Atlanticism and Europe or confusing sentimental moves toward Russia with grand strategy. Matter-of-fact, serious and thoughtful, she will strive to be a partner for a set of relationships appropriate to the new international order – one that refuses to choose between France and the United States but rather establishes a framework embracing both.

She will defend her perception of German interests, and the fate of her domestic adversaries shows just how formidable an opponent she can be. But these interests will be defined in terms of a vision of the future rather than the ideological combat of decades past.






3 responses to “Kissinger on Merkel”

  1. EWI avatar

    With her systematic scientist’s approach, Merkel will avoid choosing between Atlanticism and Europe or confusing sentimental moves toward Russia with grand strategy. Matter-of-fact, serious and thoughtful, she will strive to be a partner for a set of relationships appropriate to the new international order – one that refuses to choose between France and the United States but rather establishes a framework embracing both.

    Can there be anything more damning than praise from Kissinger?

  2. A Christian Prophet avatar

    Over on The Christian Prophecy blog the Holy Spirit says she will be more successful reforming Germany than Arnold will be reforming California.

  3. GF avatar

    I think the jury is out, even in Merkel’s own coalition there is considerable scepticism.