McDowell website

Hands up who thinks a blog should be established to keep an eye on what McDowell does or does not do? Several writers, one blog.






15 responses to “McDowell website”

  1. Colman avatar

    Does the most dangerous man in Ireland need watching? Certainly.

    What would you call it?

  2. Caoimhe avatar

    Watching the most dangerous man in Ireland?

    I’m far too literal for my own good ;o(

  3. EWI avatar

    It’s a truism that someone like McDowell – who delights in making all kinds of allegations from behind the shield of his office – will also be litigious as hell.

    On the other hand, we’d get right up Dickie Waghorne and the Goys’ noses…

  4. Isa avatar

    Just checking in to say hi, Gavin…i haven’t visited your place for ages…hope you’re doing fine:)

  5. simon avatar

    great idea a mcdowell fan site is a fitting tribute.

  6. Dimitri avatar

    “Most dangerous man in Ireland”?! Hahaha, come on!
    If people don’t vote for him, in a little more than a year, he is out of business. Does that qualify for most dangerous man? I don’t think so… ๐Ÿ™‚
    And in the meantime, there are more tangible dangers.

  7. wulfbeorn avatar

    Yes, I’m all for a McBlog. Go for it!

  8. James Corbett avatar

    I think its a great idea Gavin. I blogged about ‘adopting’ a politician nearly two years, after having read about the idea of ‘adopting’ a journalist ago –

    and actually setup a blog to watch Bertie Ahern, called “The Bertie Bowl” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Unfortunately I didn’t have time to keep it going so I think its a good idea to make it a group blog. There should be one for all politicians IMHO!

  9. United Irelander avatar

    “What would you call it?”

    ‘Obsessive democrats’? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. simon avatar

    I have started a was mcdowell right poll. so go vote.

  11. niall avatar

    Brillant idea, would be well worth the effort.
    It could be a way to highlight the many misgivings that are not highlighted enough in the media!

  12. Paige avatar

    Excellent idea – then I could completely ignore him in my blog. Problem is that he’d love the publicity.

    Could subtitle it – “One man’s attempt at state subversion”

  13. Red Rover avatar

    I considered a similar idea for the coming election here.
    As a result i find myself well disposed to the idea of a communal blog thingy especially dedicated to observation of politicans. Seems very interesting.


  14. James Corbett avatar

    Of course we could just all create a ‘tagmob’ by agreeing on a technorati tag and using it for all our posts mentioning McDowell. For instance…. er…. ‘pdmac’? Then anyone who wants to follow the aggregate could simply subscribe to RSS feed for the ‘pdmac’ tag.

  15. frank avatar

    hmm, tagbombing can get you into trouble!

    Apparently its classed as psychological torture by some!