To Dubai, again

Posting will be light (yes it has been rather light lately I know) for the coming few days, as I head off to Dubai for Christmas and New Year.

It will be my fifth time there, I am a glutton for the nice restaurants and beaches, and could be my last time there for a while. Frank Gardner was there recently and did a good job in writing about the current trends in Dubai. I shall be doing some blogging from there no doubt, so do stay tuned. And if I don’t see you before, happy Christmas to all!






3 responses to “To Dubai, again”

  1. simon avatar

    Happy christmas to you to hopefully santa knows you have changed addrease 🙂

  2. Peáder avatar

    Happy Christmas to ye lot over in Dubai. Hope ye have a great time.

    Peáder et al

  3. Tony Allwright avatar


    Try JW’s at the Mariott, Dubai for the best steak you will EVER eat in your life. Book ahead. Let me know! Happy Christmas.

    T o n y