Riots in Dublin

Yes I followed it. Yes the media fell short. Yes bloggers provided the best coverage.

Dick O’Brien has photos of an apparent racially motivated assault.

United Irelander, Dossing Times, RedMum, El Blogador, Disillusioned Lefty, Richard Delevan.

Flickr sets detailing the events. Or videos.

The Irish blogosphere really has matured. I love it.

Richard has a podcast on the whole thing, and Irish bloggers have been Instalaunched.






4 responses to “Riots in Dublin”

  1. EWI avatar

    and Irish bloggers have been Instalaunched.

    Sounding a cynical note, links from Instahack don’t really constitute ‘maturation’ of any kind (especially considering the Great One’s record as a wingnut of note). He was probably emailed on this by one of the GOP ex-pats about the place.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Many have been linked by Insta, including myself. It doesn’t define maturity – perhaps I should have been clearer. Maturity is marked by the quality of coverage.

  3. Of riots and politics…

    Firework Smoke Originally uploaded by O6scura. Waking up on Saturday morning – on Illinois time – to news of……

  4. ainelivia avatar

    Gavin, thanks for list of bloggers posting on this very useful.