Who reads this blog anyway?

If you are reading this please leave a comment…maybe include how you found my blog, and what made you stay(if you did).


By the way I will be keeping this as the first entry for a few days…






26 responses to “Who reads this blog anyway?”

  1. poetbloggs avatar

    I have enjoyed the blog – mostly due to the ecclectic posts and interesting points raised. Came across you in other Irish blogs and have come back again and again… Not too sure that this comment is very helpful, but, keep up the great blogging.

  2. barry avatar

    gettin a bit desperate there begging for comments 🙂 ok-well yer fat-ish, sort of

  3. Branedy avatar

    Lonely are we (bloggers)?

  4. hen avatar

    An international “I read you” from Germany!
    Been reading you for quite a while (though only the feed, mostly) but really can’t remember how I got here in the first place. Probably some link somewhere…;-)

  5. Blankpaige avatar

    Stumbled across you in someone else’s blog many months ago. Occassionally check in. The absence of comments reflects more on my lack of creativity than on your blog.
    Thoroughly recommend that you load StatCounter on your blog site. This will tell you who visits and where. But be warned, it’s addictive. You’ll start hunting down visitors and start probing them as to why they never left a comment!

  6. Damien Mulley avatar

    Howya! Found you via Dave I think

  7. ryan avatar

    Found by clicking on your link in my blogroll on my own wonderful website. Wonderful. *cough* I need traffic *cough*

    Did I mention how wonderful my blog is?

  8. Andrew O Baoill avatar

    I forget how I found the site originally, but I’ve had you in my RSS reader since – probably several months at this stage.

  9. Peter Knight > EdenWeb avatar

    Have been getting to know RSS feeds and blogging stuff and saw your link on Michele Neylon’s blog.
    That’s all!

  10. Keith Gaughan avatar

    Well, there’s me, obviously, seeing as I’ve been reading and occasionally even commenting since you started it.

  11. Andy avatar

    Found you a year or so back, when I was writing http://www.siberianlight.net because you posted occasionally on Caucasus issues.

    Now I’m blogging on more general issues, I tend to check in more regularly, usually via RSS.

  12. Mattie avatar

    I do, Gavin! 🙂

  13. Peader avatar

    Read your site all the time cos I need to able to quote it when I speak to you or when you turn up unannounced in London ; )


  14. jon avatar

    what, your logs aren’t good enough?

  15. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Hehe, logs only go so far!

  16. jmcnamera avatar

    I’m in the US and I found your blog from Richard Delevan’s blog sometime ago. I read it and others for articles on Irish and Euro politics.

  17. tomcosgrave avatar

    Hmm, stumbled across you in the early days of it via Karlin or Bernie, I think…

  18. Kentaro Gibson avatar

    The header is beautiful.

  19. RW avatar

    Reading you pretty much as long as I’ve been reading blogs – two years or so now – no idea how I first found the blog.

  20. ainelivia avatar

    Reading you loud and clear, Gavin

  21. peteb avatar

    Ok, ok.. I get the hint..

    *memo to self*
    Must comment on Gavin’s Blog more often.

    btw.. I suspect Mr Fealty’s to blame for my visits.. but I can’t prove anything.. yet.

  22. Dave avatar

    Been reading this since about 2002 or 2003! No idea how I got here, through Boards.ie if I remember though.

  23. SJ avatar

    From California. Found your blog about 6 months ago and have been reading it pretty regularly since. It’s a great blog!

  24. simon avatar

    Hey did say you were a friendlt blog not so long ago didn’t I

  25. niall avatar

    I think i’ve been checking in for close to a couple of years now. Like many others, the reasons for my first vbisit have vanished in a puff of strangely aromatic smoke.

  26. Phil avatar

    Hi there. Ive read your posts occasionally on irishblogs.info aggregator. I like what you write.