Buy Bebo now

I know if I had some spare change I would be buying Bebo.

Apparently it has gone relatively unnoticed in Silicon Valley, at least according to this report.

But over here I have never heard or seen anything like it. Anecdotally, just walking around UCC in the past week I overheard at least a dozen conversations that mentioned Bebo, where students never normally seem to talk about any other social networking site (besides MySpace), or indeed any other thing to do with the Internet. And that includes blogging.

So what is it about Bebo? I have no idea. But it sounds like everyone from 16 up is using it, and the recently added every school and university in Ireland.

Expect a buy-out from a bigger player soon.






4 responses to “Buy Bebo now”

  1. Phil avatar

    Is it just me, or does it look very much like myspace, which i cant stand?

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    It is like MySpace. It seems pretty walled off too. In order to spread membership it asks for your own email password – like other social networking sites. Its targeted at students but seeks confirmation of attendance by getting the student to put in their student email.

  3. Dave avatar

    Yeah Gavin, it’s crazy big in Ireland but it doesn’t have a big userbase in other countries. It’s one of these things I’ll never understand, just like Orkut is crazy big in Brazil, Bebo is crazy big in Ireland.

  4. […] It seems the media have woken up to Bebo, my post at the start of the month recommended buying it. It stands, even if it’s just to sell it on. […]