New York Times

New York Times site redesigned…I like it.







6 responses to “New York Times”

  1. John avatar

    I don’t like it, but maybe that’s just because I don’t like change. I’ll have to wait a month before I can really decide.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    I liked it right away…perhaps in a few weeks you will have adjusted 🙂

  3. Kevin avatar

    I prefer it. The font, I think, is much better. The layout, I find, is less cluttered. Still, I often find the NY Times quite a cumbersome read.

  4. John avatar

    Well, I am trying to use it right now and I find I can’t skim through the headlines as quickly as I could. They are all merging into a blurry mess for me now.

    I’m not talking about the headlines where there’s a short passage from the article, but where it’s just one headline after another. See the bottom of this page:

    Also, on the World News ( page the separation between the different regions is nowhere near as clear as it was before. This problem exists on the sports page too.

  5. John avatar

    It seems to me that the photographs may be somewhat crisper. Possible?

  6. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Entirely, they do look nicer..