Off the shelf

I had a listen to Off the Shelf yesterday, where they were reviewing Darwin’s Legacy by John Dupré. A really fascinating 30 minute discussion on creationism and evolution. Professor David McConnell, philosophy lecturer Fr. Brendan Purcell and presenter Andy O’Mahony are well worth listening to.

Listen here with Realplayer.







4 responses to “Off the shelf”

  1. Dave avatar

    Realplayer Gavin! Realplayer!

    Ah no seriously though cheers for the link.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    I know, blame RTE!

  3. Tony avatar

    Currently at work {and I should be working} Real Player of all things is restricted on the computer so I did not hear the broadcast.

    I would be interested to know if the fundamental flaw in Mr. Darwin’s theory was addressed: If varying species
    [heavily based re: finches on the Galapagos Islands] have survived adapting to their environment … did it address
    humans adapting the environment for our survival and developing the necessary means to do so?

  4. Tony avatar

    I had the opportunity to listen to this broadcast last night. The lingo was difficult to follow at times
    but thanks for the link it was interesting.