Oh they called back

As happens with radio shows, they called back because of a cancellation. So I was on for a good 10 minutes. Good questions, I hope I sounded ok.






2 responses to “Oh they called back”

  1. Tony avatar

    Becoming a fast fan you yours Sheridan, but getting up at 5:30 am NY time to listen to you … well, not quite there yet.

    We’re looking forward to listening this evening if they have a replay.

  2. Tony avatar

    We caught the replay of the O’Siochain show last night. To answer your question did you sound ok? Yes…
    a great job. Challenging questions were tossed out and your reply to each was answered in more than
    a professional and satisfactory manner.

    More important, you did come across as a concerned citizen without a personal agenda. Weaving in the fact
    you are the sole funding mechanism to support the site without any political affiliations further advanced your

    Good luck with the site … Cheers!